Dearly beloved Shiny Pokemon are making a return to the Pokemon TCG! Shiny Pikachu lights the path forward as Charmander, Starmie, Mimikyu, and more than 100 other Shiny Pokemon follow. Meanwhile, Great Tusk and Iron Treads appear as Ancient and Future Pokemon ex, while Tera Charizard, Gardevoir, and Mew show off their unique abilities as Shiny Pokemon ex!

Pokemon TCG Paldean Fates Elite Trainer Box (ETB)
Sale price€55.00

Pokemon TCG Paldean Fates (PAF) Tin
Sale priceFrom €25.00

Pokemon TCG Paldean Fates (PAF) Premium Collection
Sale price€58.00

Pokemon TCG Paldean Fates (PAF) Tech Sticker Collection
Sale price€20.00

Pokemon TCG Paldean Fates (PAF) Oversized Tin
Sale priceFrom €32.00

Pokemon TCG Paldean Fates (PAF) Mini Tin
Sale price€13.00