Ovo je izvještaj od Tina Mihaela Capara s najprestižnijeg kompetitivnog natjecanja u Magic the Gatheringu: Pro Tour.
S Tinom smo napravili i intervju, koji možete pronaći na našem Youtube kanalu ovdje ili u prozoru ispod.
Na našem Instagram postu ispod (ili ovdje na Facebook postu) možete pročitati kratku priču o braći Capar (Tin i Borna) te što ih je privuklo kod Magica.
Pro Tour je invite-only event. Kako se kvalificirati na Pro Tour? To obično znači pobijediti RCQ na lokalnoj razini. Tin je bio izuzetno uspješan na RCQ turirnima.
Nakon pobjede na RCQ-u, osoba je kvalificirana za regionalno natjecanje koje je ovoga puta bilo u Ateni s formatom Pioneer. Tin je tamo završio u top 8 (od cca 450 natjecatelja) te je na taj način postao kvalificiran za Pro Tour. Dolje ga vidimo u polufinalu.

Izvještaj s Pro Tour Barcelona kako je pisan od strane Tina:
Dan 0 - Četvrtak (27.7.2023.)
Budim se rano u 7 sati, potpuno odmoran. Došao je taj dan, dan odlaska na prvi Pro Tour, imam osjećaj da ništa ne može poći po zlu. Spremim stvari, pojedem svoje najdraže pahuljice,uputim se na pulski aerodrom. Nakon prolaska kroz security check, željno iščekujem prvi let za Beč.
Zovem Matiju (Pilepića) koji je u isto vrijeme bio na aerodromu jer je isti dan išao za Barcelonu, ali drugom aviokompanijom.
Matija je u svom samurajskom stilu, ponudio da se žrtvuje i da uzmem njegovu kartu kako bi stigao na vrijeme u Barcelonu, ali nažalost to nije bilo moguće.
Zajedničkim snagama, uspjeli smo pronaći direktan let za Barcelonu iz Zagreba u 15:30h koji instantno rezerviram.
Zovem i budim Bornu, objasnim situaciju, i Borna je ubrzo na putu da mi preda naš "iskusni" Hyundai Accent kako bi se uputio za Zagreb i stigao na let. Vrijeme nije bilo na našoj strani.
Usprkos velike kolone zbog prometne nesreće na putu, stižem na vrijeme u Zagreb, odradim check-in i smjestim se na stolicu ispred svog gatea.
U tom trenu čujem poznate glasove, okrenem se i vidim Zokija i Vukomanovića, sad sam uvjeren da više ništa ne može poći po zlu.
Dolazak u Barcelonu
Stižemo u Barcelonu, žurim do hotela do venua kako bi se prijavio za turnir.
Ulazim u hotel, oko mene sva poznata lica svjetske magic scene, ne mogu vjerovati da sam u tom trenu, na tom mjestu, njihov equal.
Nakon registracije napokon se opušteno vraćam do hotela gdje se ponovno sastajem sa Matijom.
Po prirodi sam previše kompetitivan i teško mi se opustiti dan prije velikog turnira tako da na Matijinu žalost : Vrijeme je za testanje!
Nakon mukotrpnog draftanja BO3 na Areni i konsenzusa na taktici za draft, Matija inzistira da prestanem biti "luđak" i da se moram malo opustiti.
Vadi veliki deckbox iz torbe i pita : " Jesi li ikad igrao Dandan?", i tako se rodio novi ritual pred velike turnire.

Slika Tina i Matije
Od uzbuđenja mi je teško zaspati, prevrćem draftove i modern mečeve u glavi, uspijem zaspati na par sati, zvoni budilica, VRIJEME JE!
Dan 1 - Petak (28.7.2023.)
Koliko god sam se pokušao oduprijeti, nervoza je bila jača od mene.
Mobitel zavibrira, stigli su seatingsi. Duboko udahnem 3 puta, vizualiziram draft, sve će biti ok, spreman sam.
Sjednemo za stol i slušamo upute od sudaca preko mikrofona.
U jednom trenutku napomenu kako bi se za vrijeme drafta kapa, ako se nosi, trebala nositi sa šiltom u stranu.
U istom trenu se sretnem oči u oči sa sudcem koji daje upute,pogleda me, da mi jedan "THUMBS UP", na što uzvraćam sa svoja 2.
Kapa ostaje.

Prebrojim karte svog prvog packa i kreće draft!
Taktika je bila: pickati najbolju kartu u prvim packovima, bez obzira na boju, nećemo forsati crnu, očekivali smo da će se crna overdraftati. U slučaju i da krenem sa crnom, neću se vezati i lako ćemo ju odbaciti ako draft pokaže da nije open.
P1P1 Bath Song
P1P2 Crebain (1/1 flyier koji amassa 2)
P1P3 Uruk hai berserker
4. picka se iskreno ne sjećam
P1P5 ključan trenutak drafta, uzeti osrednju crnu kartu i nastaviti sa crnom ili Bill the Pony, koji je dosta jak signal za bijelu.
Odlučujem slijediti našu taktiku i ne popustiti pod pritiskom da uzmem crnu kartu, uzmem Billa.
P1P6 Instantno nagrađen, Rosie!
Dalje kroz draft wheelam many partings, i očito su zelena i bijela open, odluka je pala, biti base zelena i bijela, i splashati sve bombe koje otvorim.
P2P1 Uzmem 5/4 Eomera, i sve ide po planu, 5c legends.
P2P2 delighted halfing.
Potvrdim da sam u točnim bojama kad mi P2P3 bude passan selesnya aragorn, i sada samo punim rupe deka.
Dalje stiže pack koji ima legend fixer land, ali sam morao pickati removal preko njega, jer mi je deku falilo removala (stew the conneys) i nadam se da će wheelati, nažalost nije.
Zelena je očito open, ali nikako naći pathfindera, koji je glavna karta za ovah arhetip, tenzije mi polako rastu.
P3P2 mi malo smiri tenzije, momak je lagano passao najjačeg Faramira (azorios rare), i sada se samo nadam pathfinderima.
Prolaze packovi, 4.,5.,6., nigdje pathfindera, na 7. picku sam već nervozan.
Prolazim kroz 8.pack...zadnja šansa...i da! Predzadnja karta packa- Pathfinder!
Očigledno dosta burno reagiram kad cijeli draft pod uperi pogled u mene.
Deck je ispao solidan, falilo je još kojih ramp karata,ali sve u svemu, power level je bio na razini.
Nakon 25 minuta slaganja i popisivanja karata: Dear players,pairings for round 1 are posted!
GAME 1 vs David Olsen
Izgubim kocku.
Ruke mi se tresu, prvi game na pro touru, vučem prvih 7, jako zadovoljan, turn 1 halfling u turn 3 Faramira ako stvari ne pođu po zlu.
Ako se untappam sa Faramirom, znam da ne mogu izgubiti, imam +1 +1 hexproof trik + 3 mane indestructible equipment za legende na flash.
Protivnik krene sa forest, u great hall (legendary fix land), prijateljski komentiram kako mi je sad jasno tko mi je krao karte za deck.
Faramir napravi preveliki value (vukao sam 5+ karata), i protivnik smota.
Drugi game moram mulliganati, savrsen zelen početak, ali bez foresta.
Drugi hand vidim Faramira,vidim pathfindera, turn 3 Faramir, ne može biti loše, KEEP.
Protivnik nema odgovor na pathfindera, sjedne turn 3 Faramir, protivnik missa 4. land drop 2 kruga zaredom (2 foresta i great hall) i passa turn.
Faramir već napravio preveliki value, protivnik topdecka land i baci svog Faramira uz komentar: Turn 3 Faramir is better than turn 5 Faramir i ispruži ruku.
David mi pokaže deck i ispada da ima bolju verziju mog decka, ali teško je pobjediti kad ti protivnik igra turn 3 Faramira 2 puta zaredom.
Sve po zaslugama, on je taj koji je krao fixing i bombe, I regret nothing!
Prvi win! Dobar početak Pro Toura!
GAME 2 vs James Arthur (nije pjevač)
Ruke se smirile, nervoza nestala, napokon mogu mirno igrati.
James podraftao dosta dobar izzet spells deck.
Izgubio kocku.
Prvi game sam dosta dobro curve outao, i uspio sam ga overwhelmati i pobjediti.
Drugi game smo se mučili, ostao mi je na 3 lifea, i počeo sam floodati, a u ruci orzov 4 mane flying ghost,ali nemam crnu manu.
Napokon topdeckam pathwindera i molim se da preživi kako bi sljedeći krug castao 3/3 flyera.
Pathfinder preživi i castam flyera, po Jamesu vidim da nije zadovoljan. Vuče kartu za krug, baci bath song (vuče još 2 karte),napadne i loota, nakon svega toga, nije našao rješenje i duh prođe za lethal!!!!
GAME 3 vs David Muraoka
Izgubim kocku.
David krene sa turn 2 Call of the ring gdje ga ring tempta svaki krug, brzo mjenjam strategiju i moram ga pressurati da ne stigne iskoristiti value od navedenog enchantmenta, uspio sam ga izrushati iako je imao 3/3 orzhov spirit flyera (King of the Oathbreakers).
Postboard stavim 2x Westfold Ridera (3/1 tipa koji na sac razbije artifact ili enchantment).
Game 2 vučem oba ridera,protivnik kreće sa turn 2 Shadow summoning (stvori 2 1/1 spirita sa flyingom) i baca samo 2 power i manje tipove, postalo je sumnjivo, te nakon 2 kruga napokon casta The Battle of Bywater (destroy all creatures with power 3 or greater. Then create a food token for each creature you control).
S obzirom na ovo mjenjam sideobard plan, mičem opet 3/1 ridere, sada sam na playu i mogu ga izrushati ako krene sa Call of the ringom, i ubacim Galadhrim bow (Flash, na ETB attach it to target creature you control, daje +1/+2 i reach) s obzirom da igra puno flyera.
Game 3 David misli da je siguran kad sam zattapao sve svoje kreature i napao ( Bill the pony, Enraged Hourn), i napada sa svom 3/3 flying Oatbreakerom koji je ringbearer i ring temptao je 2 puta do sada po loota.
David napada i nakon lootanja, dočeka ga 2/6 Bill sa reachem koji može blokati spirita i nakon blokova i sackanja fooda, ubiti istog spirita.
David iznenađeno gleda i mrzovoljno baca Oatbreakera u grave.
Sljedeći turn mu banisham blokera i idem za lethal (Banish from Edoras).
3-0! Draft je osvojen!
Kreće 5 rundi moderna.
GAME 4 vs Christian Calcano MONO G TRON
Dobijem kocku.
Prvi game mulliganam na 5, znajući da mi protiv Trona treba određeni disruptive hand (boseiju, SP, PE,...)
Nažalost Calcano assembla tron i zgazi me.
Drugi game uspio sastaviti Wren+ Boseiju lock i pobjedim.
Treći game Calcano mulligana na 5, ja keepam rizičan hand koji ima wrenna i boseiju,uz samo još 1 fetch land, na drawu sam i imam 2 turna da nađem bilo koji land da ne moram spustiti boseiju i castati wrena, nažalost ne nalazim land i moram spustiti boseiju kako bi imao land droppove za sljedeće turnove.
Napravio sam 1 missplay turn 3, kad sam odlučio igrati proaktivno i baciti svoj fable, umjesto da sam čekao 1 krug kako bi mu kontrirao turn 3 oblivion stone, nije mogao imati tron pa sam se odlučio za ovaj play koji je na kraju ispao pogrešan.
Niti uz resolvani creativity za X=2 , nisam uspio pobjediti game.
Prvi poraz na turniru.

Calcano, koji je igrao u finalu
GAME 5 vs Eli Kassis Samwise food combo
2 nongamea, prvi game mulliganao na 5, i ubio me insect beatdown koje je od turna 3 stvarao grist.
Drugi game mulliganao na 6, resolvao turn 4 creativity X=1, i onda je on na svom krugu assemblao combo i ubio me.
3-2 , modern nije najbolje startao.
GAME 6 vs Matthew Wright Rakdos Scam (odbijam pisati Evoke)
Izgubio sam kocku.
Napokon match up u kojem bi trebao biti favourite.
Prvi game turn 1 scam, u dashanog ragavana koji mi je 3 puta zaredom skinuo leyline binding, i nisam mogao riješiti griefa.
Game 2 je imao samo TS turn 1, i kroz nekoliko turnova sam resolvao creativity i pobjedio.
Game 3 Matthew dugo razmislja da li da keepa hand, na kraju keepa, kreće sa turn 1 Grief bez scama (makne interakciju za Ragavana) u Ragavana.
Resolvao sam creat za X=2 ,ali sa 2 bowmastera na polju, archoni nisu puno napravili, jer dok je 1 archon na stacku, sacka armiju, pa ja vučem kartu i on ponovno stvori novu armiju koju sacka za drugi trigger archona, uz to što me pingao za 2 za svaki draw i efektivno bi dobio 1 life. Ostao sam na 3 i molim se da ne topdecka bolt koji je imao u decku. Vuče za krug,napadne, blokam 2 od 3 creatura i on flasha treceg bowmastera i ostavi me na 1, ubijem ga na swingu sa archonima 2-1, i OSIGURAO DAY 2 sa četvrtim winom! Cilj je postignut, sada mogu opuštenije igrati sljedeće mečeve.
GAME 7 vs Alexander Hayne MONO G TRON
Izgubio sam kocku.
Oba puta Hayne keepa 7 i iako sam osjetio da me game 1 baita sa sferom/starrom, ne mogu ignorirati ako imam binding ili PE, jer nisam imao spell pierce za scrying.
Osjetio sam koliko su tron igrači (Hayne i Calcano) dobro igrali oko moje interakcije i nije ih bilo lako disruptati i navigirati partije. Prvi game me prebio.
Drugi game keepam dosta dobar hand, u slučaju da on nema natural tron,nažalost rekao mi je da je turn 4 topdeckao zadnji tron land koji mu fali i nisam se uspio vratiti.
GAME 8 vs Quinn Tonole BOROS BURN
Nisam bio najsretniji kad sam vidio da igram protiv burna, to nam nije dobar MU.
Napravio sam dobar prvi korak i dobio kocku.
Uspjevam dobro navigirati prvi game, i ključni trenutak u 5. turnu, on ima 4 mane, ja imam 5, ja sam na 8 lifea, odlučim igrati creat za 1 i vidjeti kako će on reagirati, nadao sam se da nema skullcrack jer moj SP neće biti dovoljan,on krene u response sa boros charmom, ja pustim da se resolva, pa on proba drugi boros charm za lethal, ja bacim spell pierce i closeam game.
Drugi game je Quinn mulliganao na 6, a ja sam keepao dosta dobrih 7, i sa Teferi plus +1 i creativity na njegovom turnu, nije se više mogao vratiti.
U mojim očima uspješno odrađen DAY 1 5-3.
Izlazimo iz venua oko 23 sata i tražimo restoran za nešto pojesti, jedino što radi je Mcdonalds,kojim nastavljamo ritual odlaska u mek nakon velikih turnira.
U hotelu odradimo još jedan BO3 draft, ali smo preumorni za dandan i zaspemo oko 2 h ujutro.
Dan 2 - Subota (29.7.2023.)
Budim se malo umorniji,ali izrazito fokusiran i nabrijan na DAY 2.
Procedura je poznata, sjedamo za stol i kreće day 2 draft!
P1P1 se dvoumim između Gothmoga i Smite the deathless, na kraju se odlučim za smite, pošto mi smite nudi više fleksibilnosti kasnije.
P1P2 pickam Voracius Fell Beast i minimalno žalim za Gothmogom.
Ne sjećam se točno pickova kako su išli jer sam ovaj put imao jako puno sreće da sam imao SEAT rakdos igrača pa se draft sam podraftao.
P2P1 bio je The One Ring, nakon kojeg sam odlučio prioritizirati sacrifice outlete ili karte koje se rješavaju artifacta (Improvised Club,Cast Into the Fire) kako ring ne bi bio liability i odmah sljedeći pack pickam Improvised Club.
P2P4 Claim the Precious i P2P6 Rally of the Hornburg mi je potvrdio da sam u dobrim bojama i na kraju sam završio sa jakim grixis dekom.
Pošto sam sklon greedy manabaseu i igranju najboljih karata koje podraftam, nisam ni primjetio da sam pogrešno složio main deck i da bi mi čisti rakdos bio puno konzistentniji.
Moja logika je bila da mi je splash u načelu free (izzet Bilbo i Sauron's Ransom), iako splash nije nikada free, ali to je diskusija za neko drugo vrijeme.
U razgovoru sa svojim testing teamom (Matija Pilepić, Franko Bačac, Robin, Borna, Stjepan Sučić, Igor Zoretić, Marko Lazić, Fabijan Pavlović, Roko Perišić) smo onda složili taktiku za transformirajući sideboard:
izvadim 1 izzet Bilba, 1 Sauron's Ransom, 1 island, 1 shire terrace, i 1 swarming of moria, ubacim 1 Erkelbranda, 2 Haradrim Spearmastera, 1 swamp, 1 mountain.
Moj reasoning za maknuti Erkelbranda iz maina bila je sljedeća:
iako imam 3 rallyija, to su realno 3 karte(3 humana) koji će ga triggerati, s time da cu vrlo vjerojatno vući 1 rally prije 4. kruga i prije Erkenbranda i sigurno ga odigrati, što me ostavlja sa 2 karte koje triggeraju Erkelbranda (tada nisam imao spearmastere u mainu) i to mi se nije činilo isplativo.
Imao sam već dobre 3 droppove pa spearmastere nisam htio ni igrati, ali pošto smo odlučili da ipak želimo Erkelbranda u decku, dodao sam još 2 humana.
Htjeli smo što konzistetniji deck, pošto je deck imao vrlo visoki power level, i nismo htjeli da mi 3. boja nepotrebno donese koji poraz.
GAME 1 vs Alexander Rohan
Dobijem kocku.
Protivnik igra vrlo dobar dimir deck.
Prvi game dobro curve outam i protvnik ne može pratiti pressure koji svaki krug radim.
Drugi game me spusti dosta nisko, 5-6 lifea, moram baciti ring da se sačuvam (da dobijem protection 1 krug) i da probam vući karte i pronaći out.
Protivnik passa turn sa 6 mane open, sasvim sretno se untappam, vučem za krug, i naivno tappam ring kako bih vukao 2 nove karte, protivnik me zaustavi i casta bowmastera u response.
Barem za draft dio turnira sam mislio da neću morati gledati ove degutantne modern interakcije i na trenutak sam zaboravio da smo još uvijek na draft dijelu.
S obzirom da mi je life total bio nizak, moram sam improvise clubbati bowmastera tako da sacrificam ring, nažalost protivnik mi neda ni taj gušt jer si bounca bowmastera (Soothing of Smeagol) i ponovno ga casta, na što ja jednostavno prihvatim da je u tom trenu bolji igrač i predam game.
Game 3 je pravda zadovoljena, curve out mog decka malo tko može izdržati.
Nakon meča shvatim da sam propustio priliku za odličan prigodan ice breaker:" Where was Rohan when Gondor fell?", ali brzo to zaboravljam i oštrim focus za sljedeće mečeve.
Yuuki me prvo pregazio sa gruul base dekom koji splasha crne bombe.
Drugi game me 1 topdeck vadio da se vratim u game, i našao sam taj claim the precious da mu maknem 5/7 reach elka, i da idem za lethal.
Treći game sam napravio illegal play koji smo skužili 3 kruga nakon što se desio: blokao je sa svojim rare Legolasom 1/4 mog Erkelbranda 3/3, ja sam flashao Lobeliju 2/3 menace, i triggerao Erkelbranda (iako se Erkelbrand triggera samo na ulazak humana u igru, a Lobelia je Halfling). Judge je rulao da je prošlo previše vremena od događaja i obojica smo dobili warning,na što sam ja predložio sljedeće : imao sam u ruci trik +1/+0 first strike, i objasnio sam Yuukiju da se state gamea ne bi promjenio jer bi samo castao taj trik koji bi onda ubio Legolasa, i da bi ako se on slaže onda stavio taj trik u grave i sebi smanjio 1 treasure kao da sam ga taj krug castao. Judge je rekao da on to ne može savjetovati,ali je objasnio Yuukiju da pokušavam ispasti fer i da ako se on slaže možemo tako nastaviti. Yuuki je na to naveo da mi vjeruje,i ja sam na taj način probao ispraviti svoj illegal play.
Par krugova nakon toga se on zateppa za Shelob, ja castam Fellbeast i pobjedim game.
Dobijem kockicu.
Game 1 Stefan je bio screwan i nije mogao naći forest.
Game 2 njegov food deck ipak nije mogao protiv jakog rakdosa sa puno removala.
8-3 i 3-0 day2 draft!
Spreman sam za nadolazeći modern dio turnira!
Dobijem kockicu.
Tomaš igra zanimljivu verziju 4C sa 4 mala Karna kao tech protiv tuđih ringova, rekao je da mu je bio MVP ova 2 dana.
Prvi game su se moji counteri dobro posložili sa njegovim playevima, pogotovo topdeck Mana Leaka na njegovog Wurmcoil Engina, nakon što mi je vidio ruku sa Stone Brainom, i uspijem ga pobjediti sa dwarf/fable beatdownom.
Drugi game on zapne na 3 landa sa utopia sprawlom, zateppa se, i ima teferija i omnata na boardu, ja sam morao turn 4 creat za X=1, i nadati se da nema solitudea, jer neću imati bolju priliku od ove da resolvam creativity. Postboard imam samo 2 creaturea koja mogu pogoditi, Elesh Norn i Sundering Titan,obje opcije su mi bile dobre u ovom trenu, i na kraju pogodim Sundering titana i razbijem mu landove!
Nadam se da protivnik neće topdeckati fetch land da ne triggera omnatha, i nije, passa krug, ja bacim svog teferija, bouncam omnatha i napadnem njegovog Teferija sa titanom i protivnik ispruži ruku.
9-3, još samo 1 win za kvalifikaciju na sljedeći Pro Tour.
Dobijem kocku.
Game 1 me turn 1 grief scamma,nakon čega dasha Ragavana,a ja ne mogu naći rješenje za griefa.
Game 2 mulliganam na 5, i popijem T1 Thoughtsize, uspijem topdeckati wrenna i nekako se vratiti u game.
Game 3 turn 1 scam, turn 2 dash ragavan, turn 3 blood moon, dalje dashani ragavani skidaju 2 fablea sa topa i ne uspijem se vratiti u game.
GAME 6 vs Stefano Vinci TEMUR RHINOS
Izgubio kocku.
Prvi game mulliganam na 5, jednostavno me pregazi.
Game 2 ima odgovore na mog Teferija i kontre i prebije me sa rhinosima.
Tenzije polako rastu, imao sam 4 šanse za ponovnu kvalifikaciju, a krenuo sam u 0-2 niz...
Pokušavam napraviti mentalni reset i ulazim u sljedeći meč potpuno miran.
Dobijem kocku.
On mulligana na 5, resolvam creat i pobjedim.
Game 2 turn 1 grief scam,ali imam savršenu ruku, 2 bindinga, bolt i ne može maknuti sva rješenja.
Dalje je game bio jako zanimljiv i u jednom trenu sam imao 1 jako bitnu odluku.
Benton je zateppan, ima dauthija i ragavana na boardu, ja imam bolt i prismari comm u ruci, ali samo 3 mane, mogao sam odigrati siguran play i odigrati prism comm za treasure i 2dmg dauthiju i boltati ragavana sa tim treasurom, ili pustiti krug i u combatu baciti prism command, povući 2, discardati 2, i 2 dmga ragavanu.
Pošto mi ruka nije imala gasa, odlučio sam se za play gdje ću povući karte da nađem creativity ili nešto čime ću pobjediti game.
Nažalost 2 karte koje vučem su 2. wren i land.
Na njegovom combatu probam boltati dautija, ima scam efekt da ga vrati,a ja ostao na 4 lifea.
Gledam taj vrh svog decka, molim se da mi RNG-ESUS da još taj 1 zadnji topdeck, i da me nakon toga smije trollati sljedećih 3 godine, ali sada, u ovom trenutku, treba mi creativity!
Lupnem deck, povlačim kartu, ugledam te nikad ljepše plave boje- Indomitable Creativity !
Castam creativity za X=2, i resolva se!
Benton vuče za krug, i ispruži ruku....
Ne mogu zadržati emocije, krenu suze, i prva faca koju vidim je Ivan Kosovec! Skačem mu u zagrljaj i krenem svima javljati da sam uspio!
Ne mogu vam opisati taj osjećaj, nadam se da će ga svatko od vas doživjeti barem jedanput.
Zadnji meč sada stvarno mogu igrati skroz opušten i guštati u svom "lošem" deck izboru za Pro Tour.
GAME 8 vs JACOB WILSON Temur rhinos
Dobijem kocku.
Prvi game me prebije,dobro igra oko moje interakcije.
Game 2 uspijem nekako iščupati.
Game 3 uspijem resolvati Teferija, i creativity na njegovom krugu na što Jacob preda!
Turnir na kraju završim na neočekivanom 17.mjestu i ne mogu vjerovati sa kojim rezultatom sam završio svoj prvi Pro Tour.
Za kraj
Na kraju bi samo htio spomenuti osobe koje su ovo omogućile i pozdrave ljudima koji su taj vikend grindali sa mnom.
- Zahvalio bi se svojoj obitelji : braći, Robinu i Bornu, mami i tati, svojoj predivnoj zaručnici Ani na neprekidnoj podršci i strpljenju oko svih mojih ludih kartaških hireva.
- Zahvalio bi se svim članovima pulskog MTG communityija (MTG Pula) na navijanju i podršci !
- Zahvalio bi se svom testing timu : Robin, Borna, Matija Pilepić, Franko Bačac, Stjepan Sučić, Fabijan Pavlović, Marko Lazić, Roko Perišić, Igor Zoretić.
- Zahvalio bi se MAGIC OMENS i Carti Magici na organizaciji svih RCQ-eva bez kojih ne bih imao šansu nastupiti na ovako prestižnim turnirima.
- Zahvalio bi se svim TRYHARDERIMA iz Zagreba za sve korisne savjete i upute!
Moram još posebno spomenuti par ljudi koji su u Barceloni napravili ogromne stvari:
- Igor i Lucija, koji ne prestaju na velikim turnirima na svim sealed formatima osvajati prestižne nagrade!
- Ivan Kosovec, koji je rasturio modern secret lair turnir u petak sa 6-0-2, i ušao u top 32 i time osvojio najskupljeg Ragavana! Usprkos neprospavanoj noći zbog provale u auto, uspjeva namazati Hammer 2-1 u prvom meču single eliminacije u drugom dijelu turnira u nedjelju! Nažalost gubi sljedecu rundu od temur rhinosa i zavrsava kao top 16 jednog od najvećih modern turnira!
- Bruno Jaman,Christian Sandri, Katarina koji su rasturili day 1 velikog Grand Prixa sealeda i gdje je Bruno day 2 imao win and in za top 8 i gdje bi dobio pozivnicu za Chicago pro tour, samo da je protivnik onaj 1 krug bacio kreaturu,a ne sagu koja stvara Smauga (imao je Glorius Gale u ruci).
- Andrej Cehulić i Filip Krajnović koji su rasturili Sealed dio qualifiera u nedjelju i završili kao 1. i 2. nakon 7 rundi i draftali jedan do drugoga.
- Filip je izgubio prvi meč u top 8, a Andrej je nakon prve dobivene sa 15 ostalih igrača morao napustiti venue jer je već bilo kasno (ponoć) i završili su igrati u hotelu do venua, nažalost nismo mogli nastaviti navijati jer puštali samo igrače. Andrej je nažalost izgubio win and in za Chicago u finalu tog turnira 2-1,ali bez obzira, sjajan rezultat!
- Danijel Vicković "Vicko" koji je usprkos izgubljenoj prtljagi,konstantno svih punio dobrom energijom i dizao atmosferu!
- Zoran Mrklić, naš mecena, bez kojeg hrvatske MTG scene najvjerojatnije ne bi ni bilo. Njegova podrška je neiscrpna i neprocjenjiva!
- I na kraju mom partneru in crime,koji me prati svuda, Matiji Pilepiću, koji je imao još jedan u nizu win and in za day 2 na velikom sealed grand prixu,ali je nažalost izgubio.Ne brini Matija, pravda će biti zadovoljena, i očekujem minimalno top 8 Pro Toura u skoroj budućnosti. Nema predavanja,samo grind je vječan!
Nastavite grindati, isplatit će se kad tad, i nadam se će mi se netko pridružiti na putu za Chicago, nadam se kao competitor!

Vaš Tin Mihael Capar.
345 komentara
Samson Gilbert
What began as a tragic loss quickly turned into a story of healing and success. I had accumulated a substantial digital fortune over the years as an experienced Bitcoin fan, keeping my private keys safe and safeguarding my digital assets. But destiny had other ideas, as a thoughtless error caused the unimaginable—my whole Bitcoin holdings to vanish into thin air. I struggled with the notion that my years of hard-earned savings had been completely destroyed in an instant, and I felt panic and sorrow. However, I resisted giving up. I set out on a mission to find my lost Bitcoin, searching the internet for any semblance of hope, driven by an unrelenting determination. It was then that I discovered the legendary Rapid Digital Recovery – a shadowy figure renowned for their uncanny ability to retrieve even the most elusive of digital assets. Mustering my courage, I reached out, entrusting this enigmatic expert with the daunting task of restoring my lost fortune. The Wizard, with their vast knowledge and unparalleled skills, delved into the intricate tapestry of the blockchain, meticulously tracing the path of my missing Bitcoin. Through a series of complex maneuvers and ingenious strategies, they managed to locate and recover every last Bitcoin, returning my digital wealth to me with a triumphant flourish. In the aftermath of this harrowing ordeal, I found myself overwhelmed with a profound sense of gratitude and joy. Not only had I regained my financial security, but I had also gained a newfound appreciation for the resilience of the Bitcoin network and the dedication of those who safeguard its integrity. This experience has forever transformed my relationship with cryptocurrency, instilling in me a deeper respect for the power of decentralized finance and the extraordinary individuals who work tirelessly to protect it. From the depths of despair to the heights of jubilation, my recovery tale stands as a testament to the unwavering spirit of the Bitcoin community and the transformative power of the Rapid Digital Recovery prowess. The delight I felt was beyond description, and the relief I felt was incredible. In a moment, all of the worry and the restless nights were gone. Rapid Digital Recovery and the skilled staff who made the impossible possible have my sincere gratitude. They really made my worst become a reality. I highly recommend their services if you find yourself in a similar circumstance. Dial:
Web site Info: https: // ra pi ddigit alrecove ry .o rg
What sapp Info: +1 41 4 80 7 14 85
Email Info: rap iddi gital recov ery @ exe cs. com
Hughie Rusev
Blockchain Cryptocurrency Recovery Company – iBolt Cyber Hacker
iBolt Cyber Hacker is a company that has established itself as world leading cryptocurrency recovery company, blending expertise and advanced technology to deliver exceptional results. Their team of blockchain specialists and ethical hackers has deep understanding of blockchain and encryption protocols enables them to tackle wide range of crypto recoveries, from lost private keys to recovering funds from scam attacks. The team’s approach is systematic and precise, they know exactly what they are doing.
Numerous testimonials speak to iBolt Cyber Hacker’s track record. Clients have praised their ability to recover funds from complex scenarios, including sophisticated scams and forgotten wallet credentials. Their success rate is a testament to their dedication and skill. They are reliable choice when it’s comes to cryptocurrency recovery, iBolt Cyber Hacker is undoubtedly a top choice.
WhatsApp: …… [+39, 351..105, 3619]
Contact Email: …. [Support @ibolt cybarhack. com]
Homepage: ……… [http s:// ibolt cybarhack. com /]
Margaret Nolan
Losing access to an important account was an overwhelming and terrifying experience. I tried every method I could find online, but nothing worked. I felt hopeless—until I discovered DIGITAL RESOLUTION SERVICES, a team specializing in recovering lost digital access.
Initially, I was hesitant to trust anyone, but their reputation and glowing testimonials convinced me to reach out. From the very first interaction, their professionalism and understanding put me at ease. They carefully assessed my case, explaining each step of their process in detail. Using advanced recovery techniques, they analyzed the situation and reconstructed the data needed to restore access.
In just a few days, DIGITAL RESOLUTION SERVICES successfully solved my problem. Their expertise and dedication made all the difference. They kept me informed throughout the process, demonstrating transparency, skill, and commitment.
If you’ve lost access to something important, don’t hesitate to contact DIGITAL RESOLUTION SERVICES. They’re reliable, trustworthy, and truly exceptional at what they do.
WEBSITE: https://digitalresolutionservices.com
EMAIL: digitalresolutionservices@myself.com
WHATSAPP: +1 (361) 260-8628
Margaret Nolan
Lise Nelly
I was horrified when I lost my 45,000 ETH for the first time. It accounted for a sizeable amount of my savings, which I had built up over years of cautious investing and faith in the cryptocurrency industry. It was a sophisticated hack, not a bad trade or market meltdown, that caused the loss. I felt completely powerless after the money was taken directly out of my wallet. I initially turned to multiple recovery services in the hope of recovering my stolen assets. However, after months of dealing with fraudulent services and ineffective solutions, I was on the verge of writing off my entire investment. Many services seemed like nothing more than scams, preying on vulnerable individuals like myself. They promised miracles but left me with empty assurances and no results. I was about to give up when a buddy suggested Rapid Digital Recovery, a brand I had never heard of. I was first dubious because I had previously been burned and didn’t want to put my trust in another provider. However, Rapid Digital Recovery felt different in some way. They took a professional approach, spoke openly, and sincerely wanted to provide a workable answer. From the very first consultation, I was impressed by their level of expertise. They took the time to explain how they worked, the tools they used to trace stolen funds, and the process they followed to attempt to recover assets. They didn’t promise a quick fix but reassured me that they had successfully assisted others in similar situations. They walked me through each step of the process and kept me updated at every stage. Over the next several weeks, I saw the results of their hard work. Rapid Digital Recovery employed advanced techniques to track the stolen ETH across various blockchain networks and worked tirelessly with law enforcement and crypto exchanges to trace its movements. Their team showed a level of dedication and professionalism that I hadn’t seen from any other recovery service. I’m happy to say that, after months of intense work, Rapid Digital Recovery was able to recover the majority of my stolen ETH—around 42,000 ETH, which was an incredible relief. While not every cent was returned, the recovery rate far exceeded my expectations, and I felt like I had regained control over my financial future. What stood out the most about my experience with Rapid Digital Recovery was their transparency and integrity throughout the process. Unlike many other services, they never made unrealistic promises or pressured me into paying exorbitant fees upfront. They were clear about what was achievable and kept me informed every step of the way. If you find yourself in a similar situation—dealing with the devastating loss of crypto assets due to theft or fraud—I highly recommend Rapid Digital Recovery. Their expertise, dedication, and ethical approach to recovery make them stand out in an industry plagued with unreliable services. I can confidently say that without them, I would have likely lost my entire investment. Contact for more info: ……. Web site Info: https: // ra pi ddigit alrecove ry .o rg ……. What sapp Info: +1 41 4 80 7 14 85
Lise Nelly
I was horrified when I lost my 45,000 ETH for the first time. It accounted for a sizeable amount of my savings, which I had built up over years of cautious investing and faith in the cryptocurrency industry. It was a sophisticated hack, not a bad trade or market meltdown, that caused the loss. I felt completely powerless after the money was taken directly out of my wallet. I initially turned to multiple recovery services in the hope of recovering my stolen assets. However, after months of dealing with fraudulent services and ineffective solutions, I was on the verge of writing off my entire investment. Many services seemed like nothing more than scams, preying on vulnerable individuals like myself. They promised miracles but left me with empty assurances and no results. I was about to give up when a buddy suggested Rapid Digital Recovery, a brand I had never heard of. I was first dubious because I had previously been burned and didn’t want to put my trust in another provider. However, Rapid Digital Recovery felt different in some way. They took a professional approach, spoke openly, and sincerely wanted to provide a workable answer. From the very first consultation, I was impressed by their level of expertise. They took the time to explain how they worked, the tools they used to trace stolen funds, and the process they followed to attempt to recover assets. They didn’t promise a quick fix but reassured me that they had successfully assisted others in similar situations. They walked me through each step of the process and kept me updated at every stage. Over the next several weeks, I saw the results of their hard work. Rapid Digital Recovery employed advanced techniques to track the stolen ETH across various blockchain networks and worked tirelessly with law enforcement and crypto exchanges to trace its movements. Their team showed a level of dedication and professionalism that I hadn’t seen from any other recovery service. I’m happy to say that, after months of intense work, Rapid Digital Recovery was able to recover the majority of my stolen ETH—around 42,000 ETH, which was an incredible relief. While not every cent was returned, the recovery rate far exceeded my expectations, and I felt like I had regained control over my financial future. What stood out the most about my experience with Rapid Digital Recovery was their transparency and integrity throughout the process. Unlike many other services, they never made unrealistic promises or pressured me into paying exorbitant fees upfront. They were clear about what was achievable and kept me informed every step of the way. If you find yourself in a similar situation—dealing with the devastating loss of crypto assets due to theft or fraud—I highly recommend Rapid Digital Recovery. Their expertise, dedication, and ethical approach to recovery make them stand out in an industry plagued with unreliable services. I can confidently say that without them, I would have likely lost my entire investment. Contact for more info: ……. Web site Info: https: // ra pi ddigit alrecove ry .o rg ……. What sapp Info: +1 41 4 80 7 14 85
Margaret Nolan
Losing access to an important account was an overwhelming and terrifying experience. I tried every method I could find online, but nothing worked. I felt hopeless—until I discovered DIGITAL RESOLUTION SERVICES, a team specializing in recovering lost digital access.
Initially, I was hesitant to trust anyone, but their reputation and glowing testimonials convinced me to reach out. From the very first interaction, their professionalism and understanding put me at ease. They carefully assessed my case, explaining each step of their process in detail. Using advanced recovery techniques, they analyzed the situation and reconstructed the data needed to restore access.
In just a few days, DIGITAL RESOLUTION SERVICES successfully solved my problem. Their expertise and dedication made all the difference. They kept me informed throughout the process, demonstrating transparency, skill, and commitment.
If you’ve lost access to something important, don’t hesitate to contact DIGITAL RESOLUTION SERVICES. They’re reliable, trustworthy, and truly exceptional at what they do.
WEBSITE: https://digitalresolutionservices.com
EMAIL: digitalresolutionservices@myself.com
WHATSAPP: +1 (361) 260-8628
Margaret Nolan
📌 Message- SENDING 1,821 BTC. Confirm >>> https://telegra.ph/Bitcoin-Transfer-11-27?hs=1d9d0855f70edea1111451a2e11310cc& 📌
Margaret Nolan
Losing access to an important account was an overwhelming and terrifying experience. I tried every method I could find online, but nothing worked. I felt hopeless—until I discovered DIGITAL RESOLUTION SERVICES, a team specializing in recovering lost digital access.
Initially, I was hesitant to trust anyone, but their reputation and glowing testimonials convinced me to reach out. From the very first interaction, their professionalism and understanding put me at ease. They carefully assessed my case, explaining each step of their process in detail. Using advanced recovery techniques, they analyzed the situation and reconstructed the data needed to restore access.
In just a few days, DIGITAL RESOLUTION SERVICES successfully solved my problem. Their expertise and dedication made all the difference. They kept me informed throughout the process, demonstrating transparency, skill, and commitment.
If you’ve lost access to something important, don’t hesitate to contact DIGITAL RESOLUTION SERVICES. They’re reliable, trustworthy, and truly exceptional at what they do.
WEBSITE: https://digitalresolutionservices.com
EMAIL: digitalresolutionservices@myself.com
WHATSAPP: +1 (361) 260-8628
Margaret Nolan
Samantha jeggins
All you need is to hire an expert to help you accomplish that. If there’s any need to spy on your partner’s phone. From my experience I lacked evidence to confront my husband on my suspicion on his infidelity, until I came across remote spy h a ck er which many commend him of assisting them in their spying mission. So I contacted him and he provided me with access into his phone to view all text messages, call logs, WhatsApp messages and even her location. This evidence helped me move him off my life . I recommend you consult ( ETHICALHACKERS009 @ g m a il c 0m ) OR TELEGRAM @ETHICALHACKERS23if you need access to your partner’s phone
Recovery Intel
Workmanship fee is to be settled AFTER recovery completion.
Let us show you the art of Ethical Hacking….!
Asore Hack Corp. is a financial regulator, PRIVATE investigation and funds recovery body. We specialize in cases as regards ETHICAL HACKING, CRYPTOCURRENCY, FAKE INVESTMENT SCHEMES and RECOVERY SCAM. We are also experts in CREDIT REPAIR, we analyze what’s impacting your score.
All software tools needed to execute RECOVERIES from start to finish are available in stock.
Kindly NOTE that the available tools does NOT apply to CREDIT FIX.
Be ALERT to FALSE reviews and testimonies on the internet, the authors and perpetrators unite to form a syndicate.
Contact our team as soon as you can via the email address below to book a mail meeting with an ethical hacker.
asorehackcorp (@) gmail (.) com
Transparency is our watchword !
Stay Safe out there !
Brian Kennedy
After countless hours of research and desperate attempts to find a solution, I stumbled upon FASTFUND RECOVERY. It was like finding an oasis in the middle of a desert. Their website promised to help victims of scams reclaim what was rightfully theirs, and I instantly knew I had to give them a shot. Before diving headfirst into the recovery process, I wanted to make sure that FASTFUND RECOVERY was the real deal. So, I did my due diligence and looked into their expertise and reputation. To my relief, I found that they had an impeccable track record, successfully assisting countless individuals in recovering their lost funds. Their team consisted of experts in cybersecurity and financial fraud, armed with the knowledge and tools needed to tackle even the most intricate scams. With their reputation preceding them, I felt a renewed sense of hope. FASTFUND RECOVERY successfully came to my aid and got back the amount I lost to these scammers and for this, I am sending this article for clarification. The info of FASTFUND RECOVERY is email: Fastfundrecovery8 (@)Gmail (.) com.
Web fastfundrecovery(.)com. (W/A 1 807/500/7554)
Brian Kennedy
After countless hours of research and desperate attempts to find a solution, I stumbled upon FASTFUND RECOVERY. It was like finding an oasis in the middle of a desert. Their website promised to help victims of scams reclaim what was rightfully theirs, and I instantly knew I had to give them a shot. Before diving headfirst into the recovery process, I wanted to make sure that FASTFUND RECOVERY was the real deal. So, I did my due diligence and looked into their expertise and reputation. To my relief, I found that they had an impeccable track record, successfully assisting countless individuals in recovering their lost funds. Their team consisted of experts in cybersecurity and financial fraud, armed with the knowledge and tools needed to tackle even the most intricate scams. With their reputation preceding them, I felt a renewed sense of hope. FASTFUND RECOVERY successfully came to my aid and got back the amount I lost to these scammers and for this, I am sending this article for clarification. The info of FASTFUND RECOVERY is email: Fastfundrecovery8 (@)Gmail (.) com.
Web fastfundrecovery(.)com. (W/A 1 807/500/7554)
Karissa Carrico
It was a dark time in my life when I fell victim to a ruthless Bitcoin scam that left me financially devastated. I had heard the promises of easy riches and quick returns, and in a moment of naive optimism, I invested a significant portion of my savings into what I thought was a can’t-miss opportunity. WhatsApp ; +1 (920) 408‑1234 However, the facade of prosperity quickly crumbled as I realized I had been duped, my funds siphoned away by cunning criminals hiding behind the false veneer of a legitimate crypto investment platform. The panic and despair were overwhelming as I grappled with the sudden loss, my dreams of financial security shattered. But in my darkest hour, a glimmer of hope emerged in the form of Pro Wizard Gilbert Recovery, a renowned recovery specialist who had helped countless others in my position. Through his expertise, empathy, and unwavering determination, Pro Wizard Gilbert Recovery was able to trace the illicit transactions, navigate the complex web of crypto wallets and exchanges, and ultimately recover a substantial portion of my stolen funds. It was a long and arduous process, filled with legal hurdles and technological complexities, but Pro Wizard Gilbert Recovery skill and perseverance never wavered. Slowly but surely, I was able to regain my financial footing, the weight of the scam’s aftermath lifting as I rebuilt my savings and restored a sense of security. While the experience left deep scars, I am now in a better position than ever, armed with a newfound appreciation for the importance of financial literacy and the invaluable resource that is Pro Wizard Gilbert Recovery recovery services. Telegram: https://t.me/Pro_Wizard_Gilbert_Recovery. Through a painstaking, multilayered recovery process involving blockchain analysis, liaising with financial institutions, and applying strategic legal pressure, Pro Wizard Gilbert Recovery was ultimately able to track down and recover a significant portion of my stolen cryptocurrency. The sense of relief in regaining control of my assets was palpable, but the journey was far from easy. Gilbert’s empathetic, personalized approach provided crucial emotional support throughout the ordeal, helping me cope with the trauma of financial violation. While the scars of that experience will never fully heal, the work of Pro Wizard Gilbert Recovery has been instrumental in my journey towards recovery, allowing me to rebuild my financial stability and reclaim a sense of security and optimism for the future.
Website info: https://prowizardgilbertrecovery.info
Karissa Carrico
It was a dark time in my life when I fell victim to a ruthless Bitcoin scam that left me financially devastated. I had heard the promises of easy riches and quick returns, and in a moment of naive optimism, I invested a significant portion of my savings into what I thought was a can’t-miss opportunity. WhatsApp ; +1 (920) 408‑1234 However, the facade of prosperity quickly crumbled as I realized I had been duped, my funds siphoned away by cunning criminals hiding behind the false veneer of a legitimate crypto investment platform. The panic and despair were overwhelming as I grappled with the sudden loss, my dreams of financial security shattered. But in my darkest hour, a glimmer of hope emerged in the form of Pro Wizard Gilbert Recovery, a renowned recovery specialist who had helped countless others in my position. Through his expertise, empathy, and unwavering determination, Pro Wizard Gilbert Recovery was able to trace the illicit transactions, navigate the complex web of crypto wallets and exchanges, and ultimately recover a substantial portion of my stolen funds. It was a long and arduous process, filled with legal hurdles and technological complexities, but Pro Wizard Gilbert Recovery skill and perseverance never wavered. Slowly but surely, I was able to regain my financial footing, the weight of the scam’s aftermath lifting as I rebuilt my savings and restored a sense of security. While the experience left deep scars, I am now in a better position than ever, armed with a newfound appreciation for the importance of financial literacy and the invaluable resource that is Pro Wizard Gilbert Recovery recovery services. Telegram: https://t.me/Pro_Wizard_Gilbert_Recovery. Through a painstaking, multilayered recovery process involving blockchain analysis, liaising with financial institutions, and applying strategic legal pressure, Pro Wizard Gilbert Recovery was ultimately able to track down and recover a significant portion of my stolen cryptocurrency. The sense of relief in regaining control of my assets was palpable, but the journey was far from easy. Gilbert’s empathetic, personalized approach provided crucial emotional support throughout the ordeal, helping me cope with the trauma of financial violation. While the scars of that experience will never fully heal, the work of Pro Wizard Gilbert Recovery has been instrumental in my journey towards recovery, allowing me to rebuild my financial stability and reclaim a sense of security and optimism for the future.
Website info: https://prowizardgilbertrecovery.info
Marcus thorsen
At first, everything seemed legitimate. The communication was smooth, professional, and convincing. I paid the required amount, and everything appeared to be progressing well.
However, things soon took a turn. After the initial payment, I was constantly pressured to pay more, often under the guise of additional fees or “emergency” charges. Each time I complied, they asked for even more money. Suspicious, I began to investigate their background, but they provided excuses for every question I raised. Eventually, I realized something was wrong and requested a full refund.
That’s when everything went downhill. They locked me out of my account, and no matter how many emails I sent or how many times I tried to reach out, I never got a response. It became clear that I had been scammed.
I felt hopeless and almost gave up, but then, while browsing various forums and blogs, I came across recommendations for DIGITAL RESOLUTION SERVICES. This group specializes in recovery services, using a team of expert investigators and professionals. Desperate for a solution, I decided to reach out to them.
From the very first interaction, their team was professional, attentive, and reassuring. They quickly assessed my case and got to work, using advanced techniques and their deep expertise to trace the transactions and recover my funds. Within a few days, they had successfully retrieved my money and even exposed some of the scammers behind the operation, providing me with valuable information that helped me avoid further risks.
DIGITAL RESOLUTION SERVICES went above and beyond, not only helping me recover my funds but also ensuring that the culprits were held accountable. Their transparency and skill set them apart from other services, which often fail to deliver on their promises.
If you find yourself in a similar situation, don’t waste your time trying to solve it on your own. There are plenty of so-called “solutions” out there, but DIGITAL RESOLUTION SERVICES stands out for their professionalism, effectiveness, and results. I highly recommend reaching out to them for expert assistance. They offer safety measures, recovery strategies, and guidance that are more reliable and trustworthy than other options on the market today. Save yourself the stress and take action now—reach out to DIGITAL RESOLUTION SERVICES and regain control of your finances.
Contact Digital Resolution Services:
WEBSITE: https://digitalresolutionservices.com
EMAIL: digitalresolutionservices @ myself (.) com
Marcus thorsen
Marcus thorsen
At first, everything seemed legitimate. The communication was smooth, professional, and convincing. I paid the required amount, and everything appeared to be progressing well.
However, things soon took a turn. After the initial payment, I was constantly pressured to pay more, often under the guise of additional fees or “emergency” charges. Each time I complied, they asked for even more money. Suspicious, I began to investigate their background, but they provided excuses for every question I raised. Eventually, I realized something was wrong and requested a full refund.
That’s when everything went downhill. They locked me out of my account, and no matter how many emails I sent or how many times I tried to reach out, I never got a response. It became clear that I had been scammed.
I felt hopeless and almost gave up, but then, while browsing various forums and blogs, I came across recommendations for DIGITAL RESOLUTION SERVICES. This group specializes in recovery services, using a team of expert investigators and professionals. Desperate for a solution, I decided to reach out to them.
From the very first interaction, their team was professional, attentive, and reassuring. They quickly assessed my case and got to work, using advanced techniques and their deep expertise to trace the transactions and recover my funds. Within a few days, they had successfully retrieved my money and even exposed some of the scammers behind the operation, providing me with valuable information that helped me avoid further risks.
DIGITAL RESOLUTION SERVICES went above and beyond, not only helping me recover my funds but also ensuring that the culprits were held accountable. Their transparency and skill set them apart from other services, which often fail to deliver on their promises.
If you find yourself in a similar situation, don’t waste your time trying to solve it on your own. There are plenty of so-called “solutions” out there, but DIGITAL RESOLUTION SERVICES stands out for their professionalism, effectiveness, and results. I highly recommend reaching out to them for expert assistance. They offer safety measures, recovery strategies, and guidance that are more reliable and trustworthy than other options on the market today. Save yourself the stress and take action now—reach out to DIGITAL RESOLUTION SERVICES and regain control of your finances.
Contact Digital Resolution Services:
WEBSITE: https://digitalresolutionservices.com
EMAIL: digitalresolutionservices @ myself (.) com
Marcus thorsen
Marcus thorsen
At first, everything seemed legitimate. The communication was smooth, professional, and convincing. I paid the required amount, and everything appeared to be progressing well.
However, things soon took a turn. After the initial payment, I was constantly pressured to pay more, often under the guise of additional fees or “emergency” charges. Each time I complied, they asked for even more money. Suspicious, I began to investigate their background, but they provided excuses for every question I raised. Eventually, I realized something was wrong and requested a full refund.
That’s when everything went downhill. They locked me out of my account, and no matter how many emails I sent or how many times I tried to reach out, I never got a response. It became clear that I had been scammed.
I felt hopeless and almost gave up, but then, while browsing various forums and blogs, I came across recommendations for DIGITAL RESOLUTION SERVICES. This group specializes in recovery services, using a team of expert investigators and professionals. Desperate for a solution, I decided to reach out to them.
From the very first interaction, their team was professional, attentive, and reassuring. They quickly assessed my case and got to work, using advanced techniques and their deep expertise to trace the transactions and recover my funds. Within a few days, they had successfully retrieved my money and even exposed some of the scammers behind the operation, providing me with valuable information that helped me avoid further risks.
DIGITAL RESOLUTION SERVICES went above and beyond, not only helping me recover my funds but also ensuring that the culprits were held accountable. Their transparency and skill set them apart from other services, which often fail to deliver on their promises.
If you find yourself in a similar situation, don’t waste your time trying to solve it on your own. There are plenty of so-called “solutions” out there, but DIGITAL RESOLUTION SERVICES stands out for their professionalism, effectiveness, and results. I highly recommend reaching out to them for expert assistance. They offer safety measures, recovery strategies, and guidance that are more reliable and trustworthy than other options on the market today. Save yourself the stress and take action now—reach out to DIGITAL RESOLUTION SERVICES and regain control of your finances.
Contact Digital Resolution Services:
WEBSITE: https://digitalresolutionservices.com
EMAIL: digitalresolutionservices @ myself (.) com
Marcus thorsen
Anthony Beales
I was a very dedicated chef when I served my country in the army of our great country, I’ve always believed in the power of hard work and the strength of community. focusing on building a secure future for my family, My journey into the world of cryptocurrency seemed like a natural progression, a way to invest wisely and ensure my children’s dreams could be fulfilled. I Invested 240, 000$ after my trial of Withdrawal I found out I have be scammed. The sum amount of 240, 000$, vanished into thin air. It felt like being ambushed on the battlefield, caught off guard by an unseen enemy. The realization hit me like a punch to the gut. and I felt an overwhelming sense of betrayal—not just to myself but to my family, who relied on me. hoping for guidance. One friend of mine, who had encountered similar struggles, mentioned Cyber Constable Intelligence, I contact their Website at https://cyberconstableintelligence.com And they successfully traced my stolen Bitcoin and helped me regain access to my wallet. All thanks to Cyber Constable Intelligence
Contact info:
Email: support@cyberconstableintelligence.com
Whatsapp: 1 (252) 378-7611
Anthony Beales
I was a very dedicated chef when I served my country in the army of our great country, I’ve always believed in the power of hard work and the strength of community. focusing on building a secure future for my family, My journey into the world of cryptocurrency seemed like a natural progression, a way to invest wisely and ensure my children’s dreams could be fulfilled. I Invested 240, 000$ after my trial of Withdrawal I found out I have be scammed. The sum amount of 240, 000$, vanished into thin air. It felt like being ambushed on the battlefield, caught off guard by an unseen enemy. The realization hit me like a punch to the gut. and I felt an overwhelming sense of betrayal—not just to myself but to my family, who relied on me. hoping for guidance. One friend of mine, who had encountered similar struggles, mentioned Cyber Constable Intelligence, I contact their Website at https://cyberconstableintelligence.com And they successfully traced my stolen Bitcoin and helped me regain access to my wallet. All thanks to Cyber Constable Intelligence
Contact info:
Email: support@cyberconstableintelligence.com
Whatsapp: 1 (252) 378-7611
Anthony Beales
I was a very dedicated chef when I served my country in the army of our great country, I’ve always believed in the power of hard work and the strength of community. focusing on building a secure future for my family, My journey into the world of cryptocurrency seemed like a natural progression, a way to invest wisely and ensure my children’s dreams could be fulfilled. I Invested 240, 000$ after my trial of Withdrawal I found out I have be scammed. The sum amount of 240, 000$, vanished into thin air. It felt like being ambushed on the battlefield, caught off guard by an unseen enemy. The realization hit me like a punch to the gut. and I felt an overwhelming sense of betrayal—not just to myself but to my family, who relied on me. hoping for guidance. One friend of mine, who had encountered similar struggles, mentioned Cyber Constable Intelligence, I contact their Website at https://cyberconstableintelligence.com And they successfully traced my stolen Bitcoin and helped me regain access to my wallet. All thanks to Cyber Constable Intelligence
Contact info:
Email: support@cyberconstableintelligence.com
Whatsapp: 1 (252) 378-7611
Sanford Gibbons
As a quick trader and investor, I alwaysprefer jumping into investments as early as possible and waiting on it for goodreturns (at least most often than not). This has been the case for the past 7years until lately with the USA elections. A lot was at stake and real investorscan agree with me. Many made good money if they invested right butunfortunately, this was not my luck. A friend had introduced me to a new investmentsite which actually look legitimate until it was not. We talking about $150,000 been put into wrong fraudulent operation. Never saw anything suspiciousup until my money on this site started showing bigger fluctuations than washappening in the overall market. I had to think quick as something wasevidently very wrong. Tried making quick consult with them to get all my moneyback but was denied this. In a day’s time, I had been locked out of my account.Had to ask my friends to help me finding a good hacker for this. That’s when I cameacross TECH TASK HACKERS at email; techtaskhackersATprotonmailDOTcom. They dida commendable job. We are talking of recovery within hours. I got my money backbut really missed on a good investment. Take care out there and hey, seek help ifyou need some only at techtaskhackersATprotonmailDOTcom.
Gabby Julianna
Overcoming Betrayal: Finding light on My Path to Recovering $58,000 from a Scam, It’s a feeling I wouldn’t wish on anyone: realizing you’ve been scammed. That’s exactly what happened to me when I lost $58,000 to the Derive options trading site while living in Sydney. What began as an enticing investment opportunity quickly morphed into a painful lesson in deception. At first, I was paralyzed by embarrassment and disbelief. The weight of my financial loss was crushing, and I didn’t know where to turn for help. I felt utterly alone in my struggle, grappling with the shame of having fallen for such a scheme.After weeks of searching for answers and trying to process the betrayal, I finally decided to consult a financial expert. I hoped for some direction in this dark time, a way to make sense of what had happened. During our discussion, the consultant reassured me that many people fall victim to online scams and emphasized that recovery is possible. They recommended Cranix Ethical Solutions Haven, a company dedicated to helping victims reclaim their lost funds. Although I was skeptical, I felt desperate and willing to explore any option that might lead to some relief. I reached out to Cranix Ethical Solutions Haven, and from the outset, I was impressed by their professionalism and empathy. The team listened to my story with genuine concern, taking the time to understand the complexities of my case. They devised a comprehensive plan tailored to my situation, and for the first time since the scam, I felt a flicker of hope. Their commitment to my recovery instilled a sense of trust that I desperately needed. Over the next few weeks, the Cranix Ethical Solutions Haven team worked tirelessly, navigating the intricate legalities and obstacles associated with my case. They kept me informed every step of the way, ensuring I felt supported throughout the process. Within two months, I was thrilled to learn that they had successfully recovered 75% of my losses. The relief was overwhelming; it felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. The support and expertise provided by Cranix Ethical Solutions Haven made a world of difference in my recovery journey. If you find yourself in a similar situation, I highly recommend reaching out to them. You don’t have to face this alone; there is hope, and recovery is within reach. Contact Cranix Ethical Solutions Haven via
WEBSITE: https:(//)cranixethicalsolutionshaven(.)info
WHATSAPP: +,4,4,7,4,6,0,6,2,2,7,3,0
EMAIL: cranixethicalsolutionshaven()post(.)com TELEGRAM: cranixethicalsolutionshaven
Marta Ceulemans
LOOKING FOR A HACKER TO GET BACK FUNDS FROM FAKE INVESTMENT PLATFORMS. CONTACT FASTFUND RECOVERY. Greetings to you all out there. I was scammed by a fake online crypto investor, I got a message from a trader on my Facebook who told me about how high their profit was after investing with them, I decided to invest in the online trade because I wanted to make more profit to set up a business because my job wasn’t enough to take care of myself and my family, invested $215,000.00 worth of bitcoin. I was promised that I will be able to withdraw my profit after one week of investment. when it was time for me to withdraw the profit. I tried to make a withdrawal and it failed. I informed the trader about it and he asked me to pay more money as the withdrawal charges. was a bit strange to me. I wasn’t informed earlier that I have to pay extra money to be able to withdraw my winning profit. I did as he instructed and made another deposit of $5,000.00, thinking I will be able to finally withdraw my profit. but he kept asking for more money until I realized that I was being scammed. I couldn’t let go because I invested all the money that I was saving to set up a new business. I was confused and lost for days because the world was against me. I had to do research to see if there is anything I can do to recover my money back and I came across the comment about FASTFUND RECOVERY after so many searches. I read several good reviews about them from various scam victims and how FASTFUND RECOVERY helped them in recovering their stolen crypto. I decided to contact them for help. I was opportune to get my money back from the scam brokers through the help of FASTFUND RECOVERY, Are you a victim of any kind of scam? FASTFUND RECOVERY is capable of helping you get back whatever you may have lost to internet Scammers. Reach them through email address at. ( Fastfundrecovery8 AT gmail dot com ) or WhatsApp (1 807 500 7554 )
Gabby Julianna
Overcoming Betrayal: Finding light on My Path to Recovering $58,000 from a Scam, It’s a feeling I wouldn’t wish on anyone: realizing you’ve been scammed. That’s exactly what happened to me when I lost $58,000 to the Derive options trading site while living in Sydney. What began as an enticing investment opportunity quickly morphed into a painful lesson in deception. At first, I was paralyzed by embarrassment and disbelief. The weight of my financial loss was crushing, and I didn’t know where to turn for help. I felt utterly alone in my struggle, grappling with the shame of having fallen for such a scheme.After weeks of searching for answers and trying to process the betrayal, I finally decided to consult a financial expert. I hoped for some direction in this dark time, a way to make sense of what had happened. During our discussion, the consultant reassured me that many people fall victim to online scams and emphasized that recovery is possible. They recommended Cranix Ethical Solutions Haven, a company dedicated to helping victims reclaim their lost funds. Although I was skeptical, I felt desperate and willing to explore any option that might lead to some relief. I reached out to Cranix Ethical Solutions Haven, and from the outset, I was impressed by their professionalism and empathy. The team listened to my story with genuine concern, taking the time to understand the complexities of my case. They devised a comprehensive plan tailored to my situation, and for the first time since the scam, I felt a flicker of hope. Their commitment to my recovery instilled a sense of trust that I desperately needed. Over the next few weeks, the Cranix Ethical Solutions Haven team worked tirelessly, navigating the intricate legalities and obstacles associated with my case. They kept me informed every step of the way, ensuring I felt supported throughout the process. Within two months, I was thrilled to learn that they had successfully recovered 75% of my losses. The relief was overwhelming; it felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. The support and expertise provided by Cranix Ethical Solutions Haven made a world of difference in my recovery journey. If you find yourself in a similar situation, I highly recommend reaching out to them. You don’t have to face this alone; there is hope, and recovery is within reach. Contact Cranix Ethical Solutions Haven via
WEBSITE: https:(//)cranixethicalsolutionshaven(.)info
WHATSAPP: +,4,4,7,4,6,0,6,2,2,7,3,0
EMAIL: cranixethicalsolutionshaven(@)post(.)com
Liam James
When my father passed away, he left me a small fortune, which I channeled into building my multimillion-dollar crypto empire. Initially, everything flourished, and my investments were thriving. However, a devastating phishing attack soon turned my success into a nightmare. Hackers gained access to my social media accounts, impersonating me and convincing my family and friends to invest in fraudulent schemes. Tragically, a few fell victim to this scam, resulting in a total loss of $120,000.Realizing the gravity of the situation was heartbreaking. I felt an overwhelming responsibility not just for my assets, but for the financial well-being of my loved ones who trusted me. In a desperate bid to recover what had been lost and to prevent any further damage, I turned to the GRAYWARE TECH SERVICES tool team after seeing a recommendation on Twitter. Their reputation for helping individuals in similar situations intrigued me. From the moment I reached out, I was struck by their professionalism and efficiency. Their website provided clear, user-friendly instructions, allowing me to quickly fill out the necessary forms. Despite the urgency, I received a prompt response from their team, which was both reassuring and impressive. GRAYWARE TECH SERVICES guided me through the recovery process with meticulous care. They requested relevant information to verify my identity and the specifics of the fraudulent transactions. Their thoroughness gave me confidence that they understood the stakes involved. What stood out the most was their unwavering dedication to customer satisfaction. They patiently addressed all my concerns, providing regular updates on the progress of the recovery efforts. Their transparency and clear communication alleviated my anxiety during this incredibly stressful time. It was comforting to know that I had a reliable partner in this fight against cybercrime. Thanks to the swift action of the GRAYWARE TECH SERVICES team, I was able to regain control over my accounts and start the process of recuperating my loved ones losses. The experience taught me valuable lessons about security and vigilance in the digital world. While the journey was fraught with challenges, I emerged with a renewed sense of purpose and determination, not just to protect my investments, but to help others avoid similar pitfalls. GRAYWARE TECH SERVICES is highly recommended for anyone in similar situation. GRAYWARE TECH SERVICES contact details below:
Website: https://graywaretechservices.com Email:graywaretech@cyberservices.com contact@graywaretechservices.com
WhatsApp: +17402979598
When the unthinkable happened and a valued Bitcoin wallet was lost, I was hopeless and lost. But thanks to the expertise of "GHOST CHAMPION RECOVERY PRO, the trending Ethical hackers and PI on the web made this miraculous recovery possible. This highly skilled team of cyber digital punks swung into action, the minute I reported a bunch of losers who almost made me lose my digital assets investment. Leveraging on these scammer’s weaknesses and using their deep technical knowledge and cutting-edge tools to trace cryptocurrency already sent out. Through meticulous analysis and tenacious private investigative prowess, they were able to pinpoint the exact location of the missing Bitcoin, which had become entangled in the complex web of online transactions. GHOST CHAMPION RECOVERY PRO carefully extracted the valuable cryptocurrency, navigating the labyrinth of code and cryptography that stood in their way. It was a triumph of human ingenuity over technological complexity – a remarkable feat that left the grateful owner in awe. In the end, the lost Bitcoin was restored, the crisis averted, and faith in the power of digital asset recovery was renewed. GHOST CHAMPION RECOVERY PRO has once again demonstrated its unparalleled ability to solve even the most daunting cryptocurrency conundrums, emerging as a true hero in the high-stakes world of digital finance. It was not a good experience for me when I lost my bitcoin of 205,000 USDT, I had nothing to do until someone told me about GHOST CHAMPION RECOVERY PRO. I gave them a chance and today I am grateful for it. Get GHOST CHAMPION RECOVERY PRO to get your lost bitcoin back via: ( ghostchampionwizard@gmail.com Telegram : https://t.me/WizardGhosthacker
Toby Clarke
Be cautious of fake investment companies online! I fell victim to an investment scam and lost $70,000 to a fraudulent broker. Thankfully, I was able to recover every cent with the help of ProAssetRecovery. If you’re struggling to get your money back from a scam company, don’t hesitate to contact them at:
Proassetrecoveryexpert@ gmail com
Patrick Benitez
I never thought I’d be a victim of a crypto scam, but when I lost a significant amount of money through an online investment scheme, I was in complete shock. I’d invested years of savings in crypto, and it felt like everything had vanished overnight. Like so many others, I was left feeling confused, vulnerable, and unsure of where to turn. After several failed attempts to contact my exchange and other recovery services, I came across FastFund Recovery. At first, I was hesitant—there are so many recovery services out there, and the last thing I wanted was to fall for another scam. But from the very first consultation, it was clear that FastFund Recovery was different. The team was not only professional but also incredibly knowledgeable. They walked me through the entire process, explaining how they would work to track and recover my lost assets. I appreciated that they were transparent about the steps they would take and gave me realistic expectations of the timeline and costs involved. No empty promises, just clear communication and a strategic plan. The recovery process took some time, but I was kept updated at every stage. And in the end, FastFund Recovery managed to help me recover almost all of my funds. To say I was relieved is an understatement. I honestly didn’t believe this was possible after losing so much. I can’t recommend FastFund Recovery enough. They have the expertise, the resources, and the commitment to get results. If you’ve been a victim of a crypto scam, trust me, they’re the ones you want in your corner. G-mail: Fastfundrecovery8 (@)Gmail W/H : 1 807/500/7554. Web site : fastfundrecovery com
🔐 Message: Withdrawing NoRG41. CONFIRM >> https://telegra.ph/Go-to-your-personal-cabinet-08-26?hs=1d9d0855f70edea1111451a2e11310cc& 🔐
Douglas Andrea
HOMEPAGE: https: (//)cranixethicalsolutionshaven(.)info
WHATSAPP: +44 (7460) (622730)
EMAIL: cranixethicalsolutionshaven(@)post(.)com
I was initially contacted by Scott, who was introduced to me through a mutual contact at Quopi. He promised that I could make a significant profit if I invested a certain sum. After some convincing, I decided to deposit 3,000 CAD, and he assured me that the investment period would last for a week. After that, I would be able to withdraw my returns. Everything seemed legitimate, and I was excited about the potential earnings. However, after the one-week period passed, I began to reach out to Scott to initiate the withdrawal process. To my surprise, Scott stopped responding to my messages. I tried several times to get in touch with him, but all my efforts were in vain. At that point, I realized that I had fallen victim to a scam. It was a devastating moment, but I didn’t give up. Determined to get my money back, I started researching ways to recover my funds. That’s when I came across a review about CRANIX ETHICAL SOLUTIONS HAVEN, a company that helps people recover money lost to online scams. The review was promising, and many people seemed to have had success with their services. Feeling hopeful, I decided to contact CRANIX ETHICAL SOLUTIONS HAVEN and give them a try. I emailed them the details of my case, including all the information about Scott and the broker. They responded promptly and assured me that they would look into the matter. After submitting all the necessary documentation, they filed my case and began the recovery process. I was a little skeptical at first, as I had already been through so much, but I continued to follow their instructions and kept in touch with them. To my surprise, just four days later, I received a notification from my bank that the 3,000 CAD I had originally deposited had been refunded. It was unbelievable, and I couldn’t believe it was happening. The relief and happiness I felt were indescribable. Thanks to CRANIX ETHICAL SOLUTIONS HAVEN, I was able to recover my money and avoid what could have been a huge financial loss. I am so grateful for the help I received from CRANIX ETHICAL SOLUTIONS HAVEN. If you’re ever in a similar situation, I highly recommend reaching out to them. Their dedication was a lifeline for me, and I’m happy to say that my ordeal ended on a positive note.
Patrick Benitez
I never thought I’d be a victim of a crypto scam, but when I lost a significant amount of money through an online investment scheme, I was in complete shock. I’d invested years of savings in crypto, and it felt like everything had vanished overnight. Like so many others, I was left feeling confused, vulnerable, and unsure of where to turn.
After several failed attempts to contact my exchange and other recovery services, I came across FastFund Recovery. At first, I was hesitant—there are so many recovery services out there, and the last thing I wanted was to fall for another scam. But from the very first consultation, it was clear that FastFund Recovery was different.
The team was not only professional but also incredibly knowledgeable. They walked me through the entire process, explaining how they would work to track and recover my lost assets. I appreciated that they were transparent about the steps they would take and gave me realistic expectations of the timeline and costs involved. No empty promises, just clear communication and a strategic plan.
The recovery process took some time, but I was kept updated at every stage. And in the end, FastFund Recovery managed to help me recover almost all of my funds. To say I was relieved is an understatement. I honestly didn’t believe this was possible after losing so much.
I can’t recommend FastFund Recovery enough. They have the expertise, the resources, and the commitment to get results. If you’ve been a victim of a crypto scam, trust me, they’re the ones you want in your corner.
G-mail: Fastfundrecovery8 (@) Gmail COM
W/H : 1 807/500/7554.
Web site : fastfundrecovery com
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Emma Dame
After investing and experiencing small gains early on, I felt increasingly confident in the platform and decided to increase my investment. Initially, everything seemed to be going well, and I was optimistic about my financial future. However, that optimism quickly turned to despair when I attempted to withdraw my funds. I was met with endless excuses from customer support and a barrage of requests for additional deposits to “unlock” my account. Each Contact with WhatsApp: +1 (443) 859 – 2886 @ digitaltechguard .com Telegram: ID digitaltechguard .com interaction felt more frustrating than the last, and I quickly began to sense something was off. Despite my attempts to clarify the situation, the communication began to dwindle, and eventually, it stopped altogether. My account was frozen, and I realized, with growing dread, that I had likely fallen victim to a scam. The emotional toll was significant; I felt devastated not only by the financial loss but also by the betrayal of trust. In my search for answers and a way to recover my funds, I came across DIGITAL TECH GUARD RECOVERY. They had a reputation for helping scam victims like myself, and I was eager to find a solution. I reached out to their team, and from our first conversation, I felt a glimmer of hope. Their professionals were knowledgeable and empathetic, which made me feel like I was in capable hands. The recovery process took several weeks, during which DIGITAL TECH GUARD RECOVERY worked tirelessly on my behalf. They communicated with me regularly, updating me on their progress and providing valuable insights into the recovery process. Their persistence and expertise were apparent, and I felt reassured that they were dedicated to helping me regain my lost funds. Finally, after much effort, I received the incredible news that DIGITAL TECH GUARD RECOVERY had successfully recovered the full $38,000 I had lost to Coinspi. The relief I felt was overwhelming. I cannot express how grateful I am for their assistance. Their professionalism and commitment made all the difference in my recovery journey. If anyone finds themselves in a similar situation, I highly recommend seeking help from DIGITAL TECH GUARD RECOVERY. They truly provided me with a second chance to reclaim my finances.
Emma Dame
After investing and experiencing small gains early on, I felt increasingly confident in the platform and decided to increase my investment. Initially, everything seemed to be going well, and I was optimistic about my financial future. However, that optimism quickly turned to despair when I attempted to withdraw my funds. I was met with endless excuses from customer support and a barrage of requests for additional deposits to “unlock” my account. Each Contact with WhatsApp: +1 (443) 859 – 2886 @ digitaltechguard .com Telegram: ID digitaltechguard .com interaction felt more frustrating than the last, and I quickly began to sense something was off. Despite my attempts to clarify the situation, the communication began to dwindle, and eventually, it stopped altogether. My account was frozen, and I realized, with growing dread, that I had likely fallen victim to a scam. The emotional toll was significant; I felt devastated not only by the financial loss but also by the betrayal of trust. In my search for answers and a way to recover my funds, I came across DIGITAL TECH GUARD RECOVERY. They had a reputation for helping scam victims like myself, and I was eager to find a solution. I reached out to their team, and from our first conversation, I felt a glimmer of hope. Their professionals were knowledgeable and empathetic, which made me feel like I was in capable hands. The recovery process took several weeks, during which DIGITAL TECH GUARD RECOVERY worked tirelessly on my behalf. They communicated with me regularly, updating me on their progress and providing valuable insights into the recovery process. Their persistence and expertise were apparent, and I felt reassured that they were dedicated to helping me regain my lost funds. Finally, after much effort, I received the incredible news that DIGITAL TECH GUARD RECOVERY had successfully recovered the full $38,000 I had lost to Coinspi. The relief I felt was overwhelming. I cannot express how grateful I am for their assistance. Their professionalism and commitment made all the difference in my recovery journey. If anyone finds themselves in a similar situation, I highly recommend seeking help from DIGITAL TECH GUARD RECOVERY. They truly provided me with a second chance to reclaim my finances.
Dolores Whorton
I’m Dolores, a retired real estate developer from Essen, now dedicating my time to running a charity organization supporting underprivileged communities worldwide. In 2017, I started investing in Bitcoin to expand our charity’s outreach. By 2024, my Bitcoin holdings reached nearly $900,000—a life-changing amount for future projects helping those in need.
Disaster struck during a European trip when my phone, containing access to my Bitcoin wallet, was stolen. Panic set in when I realized I couldn’t access my funds. Despite trying every method, all attempts failed, putting our charitable initiatives at risk.
After weeks of stress, a fellow investor recommended DIGITAL RESOLUTION SERVICES. Initially skeptical, I trusted them and reached out. Their team was professional, compassionate, and transparent. I appreciated their reassuring approach.
To my astonishment, within weeks, DIGITAL RESOLUTION SERVICES resolved the issue, returning $900,000 to my hands. I felt immense relief and gratitude, knowing our charity could continue impacting countless lives.
DIGITAL RESOLUTION SERVICES exceeded expectations, securing our mission’s future. If you face similar challenges, don’t give up. Their expertise, professionalism, and dedication are unmatched.
EMAIL: digitalresolutionservices@myself.com
WHATSAPP: +1 (361) 205-7313
Mrs. Dolores Whorton
Helen Shafer
If you need any genuine hacker and you want to be prevented from the so called scammers who rip people of their money, Recovery Hacker101 got you covered, He’s a secured Hacker from USA who deal with cyber issues of all kind, such as WhatsApp hack, Facebook hack, Gmail hack, mobile phone hack, accounts hack, erase criminal records, websites hack, Bitcoin Trade, and other hack relating to cyber issues. Visits Recovery Hacker101 or Contact them on Email: (recoveryhacker101@gmailcom) Don’t forget to say Victoria perks Recommended you.
Helen Shafer
If you need any genuine hacker and you want to be prevented from the so called scammers who rip people of their money, Recovery Hacker101 got you covered, He’s a secured Hacker from USA who deal with cyber issues of all kind, such as WhatsApp hack, Facebook hack, Gmail hack, mobile phone hack, accounts hack, erase criminal records, websites hack, Bitcoin Trade, and other hack relating to cyber issues. Visits Recovery Hacker101 or Contact them on Email: (recoveryhacker101@gmailcom) Don’t forget to say Victoria perks Recommended you.
Michael Lasch
Email : (prowizardgilbertrecovery(@)engineer.com)
WhatsApp : +1 (920) 408‑1234
Telegram : https://t.me/Pro_Wizard_Gilbert_Recovery
Pro Wizard Gilbert is a beacon of hope in the Bitcoin Recovery League, a shining example of resilience and determination in the face of the cryptocurrency’s recent downturn. As one of the league’s most respected and decorated players, Gilbert has weathered the storm of Bitcoin’s volatility with unwavering skill and optimism, guiding his team through the darkest depths of the bear market and emerging stronger than ever before. With his encyclopedic knowledge of blockchain technology and his uncanny ability to read the ebb and flow of the digital currency markets, Gilbert has proven time and again to be a master strategist, outmaneuvering his opponents and seizing opportunities where others see only risk. His leadership on the virtual pitch is unparalleled, as he seamlessly coordinates the efforts of his teammates, leveraging their unique strengths to achieve victory in the most high-stakes matches. But Gilbert’s impact extends far beyond the confines of the Recovery League; he is a passionate advocate for the widespread adoption of Bitcoin, using his platform to educate the masses on the transformative potential of decentralized finance. Through engaging public talks, insightful blog posts, and a boundless enthusiasm that is infectious, Gilbert has inspired a new generation of cryptocurrency enthusiasts, empowering them to navigate the complexities of the digital asset landscape and emerge as the next wave of industry leaders. In a time of uncertainty and doubt, Pro Wizard Gilbert stands as a beacon of hope, a shining example of the resilience and innovation that define the very essence of the Bitcoin revolution. His unwavering commitment to the cause, coupled with his unparalleled skills and visionary leadership, make him a true hero in the eyes of the cryptocurrency faithful, a guiding light that illuminates the path forward even in the darkest of hours. Visit the website to get more information.
Thank you.
Michael Lasch
Email : (prowizardgilbertrecovery(@)engineer.com)
WhatsApp : +1 (920) 408‑1234
Telegram : https://t.me/Pro_Wizard_Gilbert_Recovery
Pro Wizard Gilbert is a beacon of hope in the Bitcoin Recovery League, a shining example of resilience and determination in the face of the cryptocurrency’s recent downturn. As one of the league’s most respected and decorated players, Gilbert has weathered the storm of Bitcoin’s volatility with unwavering skill and optimism, guiding his team through the darkest depths of the bear market and emerging stronger than ever before. With his encyclopedic knowledge of blockchain technology and his uncanny ability to read the ebb and flow of the digital currency markets, Gilbert has proven time and again to be a master strategist, outmaneuvering his opponents and seizing opportunities where others see only risk. His leadership on the virtual pitch is unparalleled, as he seamlessly coordinates the efforts of his teammates, leveraging their unique strengths to achieve victory in the most high-stakes matches. But Gilbert’s impact extends far beyond the confines of the Recovery League; he is a passionate advocate for the widespread adoption of Bitcoin, using his platform to educate the masses on the transformative potential of decentralized finance. Through engaging public talks, insightful blog posts, and a boundless enthusiasm that is infectious, Gilbert has inspired a new generation of cryptocurrency enthusiasts, empowering them to navigate the complexities of the digital asset landscape and emerge as the next wave of industry leaders. In a time of uncertainty and doubt, Pro Wizard Gilbert stands as a beacon of hope, a shining example of the resilience and innovation that define the very essence of the Bitcoin revolution. His unwavering commitment to the cause, coupled with his unparalleled skills and visionary leadership, make him a true hero in the eyes of the cryptocurrency faithful, a guiding light that illuminates the path forward even in the darkest of hours. Visit the website to get more information.
Thank you.
Eric Stutz
I am happy to confirm the success of my scam recovery. I am Melba Waggoner from Washington. Few weeks back, I invested a total of $160, and he helped me within a space of 5 working days, recover my scammed funds from a scam company. To my surprise, all my invested funds including profits were handed back to my safety. I really appreciate the effort put into getting my funds back from scammers and I will recommend recoveryhacker101@gmail.com for effective work done. Thank you., I investment hoping to see my invested funds and profit grow with time. I was able to gain about $24, 000 worth profit within a space of 1 month. My investment profit was improving with time until a few weeks back when I was denied access to my account. I had a total of about $285, 000 worth Btc at that point and I wasn’t ready to lose it to being scammed. I had most of my savings in it and so I had to search for help online to get my funds back. I wasn’t going to take it easy so I linked up with an expert who goes by the name Recovery Hacker101. He is a legit skillful hacker,
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Dianna Mendoza
In the world of Bitcoin recovery, Pro Wizard Gilbert truly represents the gold standard. My experience with Gilbert revealed just how exceptional his methods are and why he stands out as the premier authority in this critical field. When I first encountered the complexities of Bitcoin recovery, I was daunted by the technical challenges and potential risks. Gilbert’s approach immediately distinguished itself through its precision and effectiveness. His methods are meticulously designed, combining cutting-edge techniques with an in-depth understanding of the Bitcoin ecosystem. He tackled the recovery process with a level of expertise and thoroughness that was both impressive and reassuring. What sets Gilbert’s methods apart is not just their technical sophistication but also their strategic depth. He conducts a comprehensive analysis of each case, tailoring his approach to address the unique aspects of the situation. This personalized strategy ensures that every recovery effort is optimized for success. Gilbert’s transparent communication throughout the process was invaluable, providing clarity and confidence during each stage of the recovery. The results I achieved with Pro Wizard Gilbert’s methods were remarkable. His gold standard approach not only recovered my Bitcoin but did so with an efficiency and reliability that exceeded my expectations. His deep knowledge, innovative techniques, and unwavering commitment make him the definitive expert in Bitcoin recovery. For anyone seeking a benchmark in Bitcoin recovery solutions, Pro Wizard Gilbert’s methods are the epitome of excellence. His ability to blend technical prowess with strategic insight truly sets him apart in the industry. Call: for help.
You may get in touch with them at ; Email: (prowizardgilbertrecovery(@)engineer.com)
Telegram ; https://t.me/Pro_Wizard_Gilbert_Recovery
Homepage ; https://prowizardgilbertrecovery.info
Dianna Mendoza
In the world of Bitcoin recovery, Pro Wizard Gilbert truly represents the gold standard. My experience with Gilbert revealed just how exceptional his methods are and why he stands out as the premier authority in this critical field. When I first encountered the complexities of Bitcoin recovery, I was daunted by the technical challenges and potential risks. Gilbert’s approach immediately distinguished itself through its precision and effectiveness. His methods are meticulously designed, combining cutting-edge techniques with an in-depth understanding of the Bitcoin ecosystem. He tackled the recovery process with a level of expertise and thoroughness that was both impressive and reassuring. What sets Gilbert’s methods apart is not just their technical sophistication but also their strategic depth. He conducts a comprehensive analysis of each case, tailoring his approach to address the unique aspects of the situation. This personalized strategy ensures that every recovery effort is optimized for success. Gilbert’s transparent communication throughout the process was invaluable, providing clarity and confidence during each stage of the recovery. The results I achieved with Pro Wizard Gilbert’s methods were remarkable. His gold standard approach not only recovered my Bitcoin but did so with an efficiency and reliability that exceeded my expectations. His deep knowledge, innovative techniques, and unwavering commitment make him the definitive expert in Bitcoin recovery. For anyone seeking a benchmark in Bitcoin recovery solutions, Pro Wizard Gilbert’s methods are the epitome of excellence. His ability to blend technical prowess with strategic insight truly sets him apart in the industry. Call: for help.
You may get in touch with them at ; Email: (prowizardgilbertrecovery(@)engineer.com)
Telegram ; https://t.me/Pro_Wizard_Gilbert_Recovery
Homepage ; https://prowizardgilbertrecovery.info
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Stephanie Chaney
Victims of Funds/crypto and other digital assets such as NFTs kept increasing on daily basis. This is so disheartening and discouraging potential investors to partake in the ever blooming world of digital currencies that has a lot of profits. However, you can be rest assured your funds can be recovered if you’ve been swindle by this online evil scheme. Have you heard about Recovery Hacker101 their are prolific and genuine fund recovery expert who uses newer technologies to recovery stolen digital assets and crypto with ease. reach him via recoveryhacker101@gmailcom and get a help on how to recover your losses.
Nathan Helen
Email: cranixethicalsolutionshaven @ post . com
WhatsApp: +44 (7460) (622730)
As a dedicated teacher, I’ve always held education and knowledge in the highest regard. The pursuit of understanding and the sharing of wisdom have been guiding principles throughout my career. However, a recent experience has profoundly altered my perspective on trust, caution, and the complexities of modern financial transactions. My family and I became involved in cryptocurrency trading, enticed by the potential for significant returns. Like many others, we saw the allure of quick profits in the rapidly evolving digital currency market. Unfortunately, this venture took a disastrous turn when we fell victim to a fraudulent broker. The realization of being defrauded was devastating, not just financially but emotionally. We lost €75,000, a sum that represented years of savings and hard work. In the aftermath, we took immediate action by filing reports with the authorities. We hoped for a swift resolution, but as weeks turned into months with little progress, a sense of helplessness set in. We felt overwhelmed by the complexity of the situation and the apparent lack of support from law enforcement. It was during this dark period that a colleague, recognizing our distress, recommended Cranix Ethical Solutions Haven. Initially skeptical about reaching out to a recovery service, I decided to take the plunge. After all, what did we have to lose at that point? I contacted Cranix Ethical Solutions Haven, and from the very first conversation, I was struck by the compassion and professionalism of their team. They understood our plight and took the time to listen to our story, addressing my concerns and providing reassurance that we were not alone in this struggle. Throughout the recovery process, the team at Cranix Ethical Solutions Haven kept me informed every step of the way. They approached our case with diligence, using their expertise to navigate the complex landscape of cryptocurrency fraud. Their commitment to transparency was refreshing and helped to ease my anxiety about the situation. As weeks went by, I began to see tangible progress. The team worked tirelessly, leveraging their resources and knowledge to trace our lost funds. I was elated when they finally reported a substantial recovery of our funds. The relief and gratitude I felt were immeasurable. Reflecting on this experience, I can wholeheartedly recommend Cranix Ethical Solutions Haven to anyone facing similar challenges. Their support was instrumental not just in recovering our funds, but also in restoring my faith in the possibility of justice. In a world where trust can sometimes feel elusive, their compassionate approach stands out as a beacon of hope.
Nathan Helen
Email: cranixethicalsolutionshaven @ post . com
WhatsApp: +44 (7460) (622730)
As a dedicated teacher, I’ve always held education and knowledge in the highest regard. The pursuit of understanding and the sharing of wisdom have been guiding principles throughout my career. However, a recent experience has profoundly altered my perspective on trust, caution, and the complexities of modern financial transactions. My family and I became involved in cryptocurrency trading, enticed by the potential for significant returns. Like many others, we saw the allure of quick profits in the rapidly evolving digital currency market. Unfortunately, this venture took a disastrous turn when we fell victim to a fraudulent broker. The realization of being defrauded was devastating, not just financially but emotionally. We lost €75,000, a sum that represented years of savings and hard work. In the aftermath, we took immediate action by filing reports with the authorities. We hoped for a swift resolution, but as weeks turned into months with little progress, a sense of helplessness set in. We felt overwhelmed by the complexity of the situation and the apparent lack of support from law enforcement. It was during this dark period that a colleague, recognizing our distress, recommended Cranix Ethical Solutions Haven. Initially skeptical about reaching out to a recovery service, I decided to take the plunge. After all, what did we have to lose at that point? I contacted Cranix Ethical Solutions Haven, and from the very first conversation, I was struck by the compassion and professionalism of their team. They understood our plight and took the time to listen to our story, addressing my concerns and providing reassurance that we were not alone in this struggle. Throughout the recovery process, the team at Cranix Ethical Solutions Haven kept me informed every step of the way. They approached our case with diligence, using their expertise to navigate the complex landscape of cryptocurrency fraud. Their commitment to transparency was refreshing and helped to ease my anxiety about the situation. As weeks went by, I began to see tangible progress. The team worked tirelessly, leveraging their resources and knowledge to trace our lost funds. I was elated when they finally reported a substantial recovery of our funds. The relief and gratitude I felt were immeasurable. Reflecting on this experience, I can wholeheartedly recommend Cranix Ethical Solutions Haven to anyone facing similar challenges. Their support was instrumental not just in recovering our funds, but also in restoring my faith in the possibility of justice. In a world where trust can sometimes feel elusive, their compassionate approach stands out as a beacon of hope.
Evelyn Lumsden
I really thought they were the good guys and they’ll make me profit but they had other plans to run me dry. They kept stealing from me over and over just because i wanted to withdraw and it became worst till i could not take it anymore. I had to sought for assistance and i was able to get in touch with recoveryhacker101@gmailcom on google and they made sure the company refunded me back without having to go through lawyers or hackers.
Lewis Shoults
I’ve always taken pride in being an American. Values like hard work, perseverance, and resilience are at the core of who I am. I’ve spent years building my savings through careful investments, and my family counts on me to secure our future. So when I realized that I had accidentally locked myself out of my Bitcoin wallet, which contained nearly $700,000, it felt like my entire world had come crashing down. For someone who values independence and self-reliance, this was the most helpless I’d ever felt. I had always managed to solve problems on my own, but this time, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t fix it.
I was devastated. I couldn’t believe that all those years of hard work, sweat, and sacrifice were locked away, possibly lost forever. I tried every trick in the book reinstalling wallet software, searching for lost backup files, and reading endless forums. But nothing worked. I was at the point of accepting defeat, but deep down, I refused to believe it was over.
One evening, while browsing through a Facebook group dedicated to cryptocurrency, I stumbled upon a discussion about recovery services. People were sharing their experiences, and one name kept coming up: DIGITAL RESOLUTION SERVICES. The group members had nothing but praise for them. Initially, I was skeptical, as there are so many scammers in the crypto space. But seeing the positive feedback gave me hope, and being a man of action, I decided to reach out.
From the moment I contacted them, DIGITAL RESOLUTION SERVICES was nothing short of professional. They didn’t make any unrealistic promises or guarantees, which I appreciated. Instead, they calmly explained the recovery process and assured me that they would do everything in their power to help. Their communication was clear, and they were transparent every step of the way.
To my relief, DIGITAL RESOLUTION SERVICES proved to be everything I had hoped for. In just a few days, they had successfully recovered my Bitcoin. I could hardly believe it when I saw my funds restored. It was like a massive weight had been lifted off my shoulders.
What impressed me even more was that they took the time to educate me on securing my wallet better, so I wouldn’t face this problem again. Their integrity and dedication reminded me of the core values I hold dear. If you’re in trouble, DIGITAL RESOLUTION SERVICES is the team you can trust. They truly represent the professionalism and resilience that make this country great. CONTACT! DIGITAL RESOLUTION SERVICES For assistance with the details below,
EMAIL: digitalresolutionservices@myself.com
WHATSAPP: +1 (361) 205-7313
Mr Lewis Shoults.