Ovo je izvještaj od Tina Mihaela Capara s najprestižnijeg kompetitivnog natjecanja u Magic the Gatheringu: Pro Tour.
S Tinom smo napravili i intervju, koji možete pronaći na našem Youtube kanalu ovdje ili u prozoru ispod.
Na našem Instagram postu ispod (ili ovdje na Facebook postu) možete pročitati kratku priču o braći Capar (Tin i Borna) te što ih je privuklo kod Magica.
Pro Tour je invite-only event. Kako se kvalificirati na Pro Tour? To obično znači pobijediti RCQ na lokalnoj razini. Tin je bio izuzetno uspješan na RCQ turirnima.
Nakon pobjede na RCQ-u, osoba je kvalificirana za regionalno natjecanje koje je ovoga puta bilo u Ateni s formatom Pioneer. Tin je tamo završio u top 8 (od cca 450 natjecatelja) te je na taj način postao kvalificiran za Pro Tour. Dolje ga vidimo u polufinalu.
Izvještaj s Pro Tour Barcelona kako je pisan od strane Tina:
Dan 0 - Četvrtak (27.7.2023.)
Budim se rano u 7 sati, potpuno odmoran. Došao je taj dan, dan odlaska na prvi Pro Tour, imam osjećaj da ništa ne može poći po zlu. Spremim stvari, pojedem svoje najdraže pahuljice,uputim se na pulski aerodrom. Nakon prolaska kroz security check, željno iščekujem prvi let za Beč.
Zovem Matiju (Pilepića) koji je u isto vrijeme bio na aerodromu jer je isti dan išao za Barcelonu, ali drugom aviokompanijom.
Matija je u svom samurajskom stilu, ponudio da se žrtvuje i da uzmem njegovu kartu kako bi stigao na vrijeme u Barcelonu, ali nažalost to nije bilo moguće.
Zajedničkim snagama, uspjeli smo pronaći direktan let za Barcelonu iz Zagreba u 15:30h koji instantno rezerviram.
Zovem i budim Bornu, objasnim situaciju, i Borna je ubrzo na putu da mi preda naš "iskusni" Hyundai Accent kako bi se uputio za Zagreb i stigao na let. Vrijeme nije bilo na našoj strani.
Usprkos velike kolone zbog prometne nesreće na putu, stižem na vrijeme u Zagreb, odradim check-in i smjestim se na stolicu ispred svog gatea.
U tom trenu čujem poznate glasove, okrenem se i vidim Zokija i Vukomanovića, sad sam uvjeren da više ništa ne može poći po zlu.
Dolazak u Barcelonu
Stižemo u Barcelonu, žurim do hotela do venua kako bi se prijavio za turnir.
Ulazim u hotel, oko mene sva poznata lica svjetske magic scene, ne mogu vjerovati da sam u tom trenu, na tom mjestu, njihov equal.
Nakon registracije napokon se opušteno vraćam do hotela gdje se ponovno sastajem sa Matijom.
Po prirodi sam previše kompetitivan i teško mi se opustiti dan prije velikog turnira tako da na Matijinu žalost : Vrijeme je za testanje!
Nakon mukotrpnog draftanja BO3 na Areni i konsenzusa na taktici za draft, Matija inzistira da prestanem biti "luđak" i da se moram malo opustiti.
Vadi veliki deckbox iz torbe i pita : " Jesi li ikad igrao Dandan?", i tako se rodio novi ritual pred velike turnire.
Slika Tina i Matije
Od uzbuđenja mi je teško zaspati, prevrćem draftove i modern mečeve u glavi, uspijem zaspati na par sati, zvoni budilica, VRIJEME JE!
Dan 1 - Petak (28.7.2023.)
Koliko god sam se pokušao oduprijeti, nervoza je bila jača od mene.
Mobitel zavibrira, stigli su seatingsi. Duboko udahnem 3 puta, vizualiziram draft, sve će biti ok, spreman sam.
Sjednemo za stol i slušamo upute od sudaca preko mikrofona.
U jednom trenutku napomenu kako bi se za vrijeme drafta kapa, ako se nosi, trebala nositi sa šiltom u stranu.
U istom trenu se sretnem oči u oči sa sudcem koji daje upute,pogleda me, da mi jedan "THUMBS UP", na što uzvraćam sa svoja 2.
Kapa ostaje.
Prebrojim karte svog prvog packa i kreće draft!
Taktika je bila: pickati najbolju kartu u prvim packovima, bez obzira na boju, nećemo forsati crnu, očekivali smo da će se crna overdraftati. U slučaju i da krenem sa crnom, neću se vezati i lako ćemo ju odbaciti ako draft pokaže da nije open.
P1P1 Bath Song
P1P2 Crebain (1/1 flyier koji amassa 2)
P1P3 Uruk hai berserker
4. picka se iskreno ne sjećam
P1P5 ključan trenutak drafta, uzeti osrednju crnu kartu i nastaviti sa crnom ili Bill the Pony, koji je dosta jak signal za bijelu.
Odlučujem slijediti našu taktiku i ne popustiti pod pritiskom da uzmem crnu kartu, uzmem Billa.
P1P6 Instantno nagrađen, Rosie!
Dalje kroz draft wheelam many partings, i očito su zelena i bijela open, odluka je pala, biti base zelena i bijela, i splashati sve bombe koje otvorim.
P2P1 Uzmem 5/4 Eomera, i sve ide po planu, 5c legends.
P2P2 delighted halfing.
Potvrdim da sam u točnim bojama kad mi P2P3 bude passan selesnya aragorn, i sada samo punim rupe deka.
Dalje stiže pack koji ima legend fixer land, ali sam morao pickati removal preko njega, jer mi je deku falilo removala (stew the conneys) i nadam se da će wheelati, nažalost nije.
Zelena je očito open, ali nikako naći pathfindera, koji je glavna karta za ovah arhetip, tenzije mi polako rastu.
P3P2 mi malo smiri tenzije, momak je lagano passao najjačeg Faramira (azorios rare), i sada se samo nadam pathfinderima.
Prolaze packovi, 4.,5.,6., nigdje pathfindera, na 7. picku sam već nervozan.
Prolazim kroz 8.pack...zadnja šansa...i da! Predzadnja karta packa- Pathfinder!
Očigledno dosta burno reagiram kad cijeli draft pod uperi pogled u mene.
Deck je ispao solidan, falilo je još kojih ramp karata,ali sve u svemu, power level je bio na razini.
Nakon 25 minuta slaganja i popisivanja karata: Dear players,pairings for round 1 are posted!
GAME 1 vs David Olsen
Izgubim kocku.
Ruke mi se tresu, prvi game na pro touru, vučem prvih 7, jako zadovoljan, turn 1 halfling u turn 3 Faramira ako stvari ne pođu po zlu.
Ako se untappam sa Faramirom, znam da ne mogu izgubiti, imam +1 +1 hexproof trik + 3 mane indestructible equipment za legende na flash.
Protivnik krene sa forest, u great hall (legendary fix land), prijateljski komentiram kako mi je sad jasno tko mi je krao karte za deck.
Faramir napravi preveliki value (vukao sam 5+ karata), i protivnik smota.
Drugi game moram mulliganati, savrsen zelen početak, ali bez foresta.
Drugi hand vidim Faramira,vidim pathfindera, turn 3 Faramir, ne može biti loše, KEEP.
Protivnik nema odgovor na pathfindera, sjedne turn 3 Faramir, protivnik missa 4. land drop 2 kruga zaredom (2 foresta i great hall) i passa turn.
Faramir već napravio preveliki value, protivnik topdecka land i baci svog Faramira uz komentar: Turn 3 Faramir is better than turn 5 Faramir i ispruži ruku.
David mi pokaže deck i ispada da ima bolju verziju mog decka, ali teško je pobjediti kad ti protivnik igra turn 3 Faramira 2 puta zaredom.
Sve po zaslugama, on je taj koji je krao fixing i bombe, I regret nothing!
Prvi win! Dobar početak Pro Toura!
GAME 2 vs James Arthur (nije pjevač)
Ruke se smirile, nervoza nestala, napokon mogu mirno igrati.
James podraftao dosta dobar izzet spells deck.
Izgubio kocku.
Prvi game sam dosta dobro curve outao, i uspio sam ga overwhelmati i pobjediti.
Drugi game smo se mučili, ostao mi je na 3 lifea, i počeo sam floodati, a u ruci orzov 4 mane flying ghost,ali nemam crnu manu.
Napokon topdeckam pathwindera i molim se da preživi kako bi sljedeći krug castao 3/3 flyera.
Pathfinder preživi i castam flyera, po Jamesu vidim da nije zadovoljan. Vuče kartu za krug, baci bath song (vuče još 2 karte),napadne i loota, nakon svega toga, nije našao rješenje i duh prođe za lethal!!!!
GAME 3 vs David Muraoka
Izgubim kocku.
David krene sa turn 2 Call of the ring gdje ga ring tempta svaki krug, brzo mjenjam strategiju i moram ga pressurati da ne stigne iskoristiti value od navedenog enchantmenta, uspio sam ga izrushati iako je imao 3/3 orzhov spirit flyera (King of the Oathbreakers).
Postboard stavim 2x Westfold Ridera (3/1 tipa koji na sac razbije artifact ili enchantment).
Game 2 vučem oba ridera,protivnik kreće sa turn 2 Shadow summoning (stvori 2 1/1 spirita sa flyingom) i baca samo 2 power i manje tipove, postalo je sumnjivo, te nakon 2 kruga napokon casta The Battle of Bywater (destroy all creatures with power 3 or greater. Then create a food token for each creature you control).
S obzirom na ovo mjenjam sideobard plan, mičem opet 3/1 ridere, sada sam na playu i mogu ga izrushati ako krene sa Call of the ringom, i ubacim Galadhrim bow (Flash, na ETB attach it to target creature you control, daje +1/+2 i reach) s obzirom da igra puno flyera.
Game 3 David misli da je siguran kad sam zattapao sve svoje kreature i napao ( Bill the pony, Enraged Hourn), i napada sa svom 3/3 flying Oatbreakerom koji je ringbearer i ring temptao je 2 puta do sada po loota.
David napada i nakon lootanja, dočeka ga 2/6 Bill sa reachem koji može blokati spirita i nakon blokova i sackanja fooda, ubiti istog spirita.
David iznenađeno gleda i mrzovoljno baca Oatbreakera u grave.
Sljedeći turn mu banisham blokera i idem za lethal (Banish from Edoras).
3-0! Draft je osvojen!
Kreće 5 rundi moderna.
GAME 4 vs Christian Calcano MONO G TRON
Dobijem kocku.
Prvi game mulliganam na 5, znajući da mi protiv Trona treba određeni disruptive hand (boseiju, SP, PE,...)
Nažalost Calcano assembla tron i zgazi me.
Drugi game uspio sastaviti Wren+ Boseiju lock i pobjedim.
Treći game Calcano mulligana na 5, ja keepam rizičan hand koji ima wrenna i boseiju,uz samo još 1 fetch land, na drawu sam i imam 2 turna da nađem bilo koji land da ne moram spustiti boseiju i castati wrena, nažalost ne nalazim land i moram spustiti boseiju kako bi imao land droppove za sljedeće turnove.
Napravio sam 1 missplay turn 3, kad sam odlučio igrati proaktivno i baciti svoj fable, umjesto da sam čekao 1 krug kako bi mu kontrirao turn 3 oblivion stone, nije mogao imati tron pa sam se odlučio za ovaj play koji je na kraju ispao pogrešan.
Niti uz resolvani creativity za X=2 , nisam uspio pobjediti game.
Prvi poraz na turniru.
Calcano, koji je igrao u finalu
GAME 5 vs Eli Kassis Samwise food combo
2 nongamea, prvi game mulliganao na 5, i ubio me insect beatdown koje je od turna 3 stvarao grist.
Drugi game mulliganao na 6, resolvao turn 4 creativity X=1, i onda je on na svom krugu assemblao combo i ubio me.
3-2 , modern nije najbolje startao.
GAME 6 vs Matthew Wright Rakdos Scam (odbijam pisati Evoke)
Izgubio sam kocku.
Napokon match up u kojem bi trebao biti favourite.
Prvi game turn 1 scam, u dashanog ragavana koji mi je 3 puta zaredom skinuo leyline binding, i nisam mogao riješiti griefa.
Game 2 je imao samo TS turn 1, i kroz nekoliko turnova sam resolvao creativity i pobjedio.
Game 3 Matthew dugo razmislja da li da keepa hand, na kraju keepa, kreće sa turn 1 Grief bez scama (makne interakciju za Ragavana) u Ragavana.
Resolvao sam creat za X=2 ,ali sa 2 bowmastera na polju, archoni nisu puno napravili, jer dok je 1 archon na stacku, sacka armiju, pa ja vučem kartu i on ponovno stvori novu armiju koju sacka za drugi trigger archona, uz to što me pingao za 2 za svaki draw i efektivno bi dobio 1 life. Ostao sam na 3 i molim se da ne topdecka bolt koji je imao u decku. Vuče za krug,napadne, blokam 2 od 3 creatura i on flasha treceg bowmastera i ostavi me na 1, ubijem ga na swingu sa archonima 2-1, i OSIGURAO DAY 2 sa četvrtim winom! Cilj je postignut, sada mogu opuštenije igrati sljedeće mečeve.
GAME 7 vs Alexander Hayne MONO G TRON
Izgubio sam kocku.
Oba puta Hayne keepa 7 i iako sam osjetio da me game 1 baita sa sferom/starrom, ne mogu ignorirati ako imam binding ili PE, jer nisam imao spell pierce za scrying.
Osjetio sam koliko su tron igrači (Hayne i Calcano) dobro igrali oko moje interakcije i nije ih bilo lako disruptati i navigirati partije. Prvi game me prebio.
Drugi game keepam dosta dobar hand, u slučaju da on nema natural tron,nažalost rekao mi je da je turn 4 topdeckao zadnji tron land koji mu fali i nisam se uspio vratiti.
GAME 8 vs Quinn Tonole BOROS BURN
Nisam bio najsretniji kad sam vidio da igram protiv burna, to nam nije dobar MU.
Napravio sam dobar prvi korak i dobio kocku.
Uspjevam dobro navigirati prvi game, i ključni trenutak u 5. turnu, on ima 4 mane, ja imam 5, ja sam na 8 lifea, odlučim igrati creat za 1 i vidjeti kako će on reagirati, nadao sam se da nema skullcrack jer moj SP neće biti dovoljan,on krene u response sa boros charmom, ja pustim da se resolva, pa on proba drugi boros charm za lethal, ja bacim spell pierce i closeam game.
Drugi game je Quinn mulliganao na 6, a ja sam keepao dosta dobrih 7, i sa Teferi plus +1 i creativity na njegovom turnu, nije se više mogao vratiti.
U mojim očima uspješno odrađen DAY 1 5-3.
Izlazimo iz venua oko 23 sata i tražimo restoran za nešto pojesti, jedino što radi je Mcdonalds,kojim nastavljamo ritual odlaska u mek nakon velikih turnira.
U hotelu odradimo još jedan BO3 draft, ali smo preumorni za dandan i zaspemo oko 2 h ujutro.
Dan 2 - Subota (29.7.2023.)
Budim se malo umorniji,ali izrazito fokusiran i nabrijan na DAY 2.
Procedura je poznata, sjedamo za stol i kreće day 2 draft!
P1P1 se dvoumim između Gothmoga i Smite the deathless, na kraju se odlučim za smite, pošto mi smite nudi više fleksibilnosti kasnije.
P1P2 pickam Voracius Fell Beast i minimalno žalim za Gothmogom.
Ne sjećam se točno pickova kako su išli jer sam ovaj put imao jako puno sreće da sam imao SEAT rakdos igrača pa se draft sam podraftao.
P2P1 bio je The One Ring, nakon kojeg sam odlučio prioritizirati sacrifice outlete ili karte koje se rješavaju artifacta (Improvised Club,Cast Into the Fire) kako ring ne bi bio liability i odmah sljedeći pack pickam Improvised Club.
P2P4 Claim the Precious i P2P6 Rally of the Hornburg mi je potvrdio da sam u dobrim bojama i na kraju sam završio sa jakim grixis dekom.
Pošto sam sklon greedy manabaseu i igranju najboljih karata koje podraftam, nisam ni primjetio da sam pogrešno složio main deck i da bi mi čisti rakdos bio puno konzistentniji.
Moja logika je bila da mi je splash u načelu free (izzet Bilbo i Sauron's Ransom), iako splash nije nikada free, ali to je diskusija za neko drugo vrijeme.
U razgovoru sa svojim testing teamom (Matija Pilepić, Franko Bačac, Robin, Borna, Stjepan Sučić, Igor Zoretić, Marko Lazić, Fabijan Pavlović, Roko Perišić) smo onda složili taktiku za transformirajući sideboard:
izvadim 1 izzet Bilba, 1 Sauron's Ransom, 1 island, 1 shire terrace, i 1 swarming of moria, ubacim 1 Erkelbranda, 2 Haradrim Spearmastera, 1 swamp, 1 mountain.
Moj reasoning za maknuti Erkelbranda iz maina bila je sljedeća:
iako imam 3 rallyija, to su realno 3 karte(3 humana) koji će ga triggerati, s time da cu vrlo vjerojatno vući 1 rally prije 4. kruga i prije Erkenbranda i sigurno ga odigrati, što me ostavlja sa 2 karte koje triggeraju Erkelbranda (tada nisam imao spearmastere u mainu) i to mi se nije činilo isplativo.
Imao sam već dobre 3 droppove pa spearmastere nisam htio ni igrati, ali pošto smo odlučili da ipak želimo Erkelbranda u decku, dodao sam još 2 humana.
Htjeli smo što konzistetniji deck, pošto je deck imao vrlo visoki power level, i nismo htjeli da mi 3. boja nepotrebno donese koji poraz.
GAME 1 vs Alexander Rohan
Dobijem kocku.
Protivnik igra vrlo dobar dimir deck.
Prvi game dobro curve outam i protvnik ne može pratiti pressure koji svaki krug radim.
Drugi game me spusti dosta nisko, 5-6 lifea, moram baciti ring da se sačuvam (da dobijem protection 1 krug) i da probam vući karte i pronaći out.
Protivnik passa turn sa 6 mane open, sasvim sretno se untappam, vučem za krug, i naivno tappam ring kako bih vukao 2 nove karte, protivnik me zaustavi i casta bowmastera u response.
Barem za draft dio turnira sam mislio da neću morati gledati ove degutantne modern interakcije i na trenutak sam zaboravio da smo još uvijek na draft dijelu.
S obzirom da mi je life total bio nizak, moram sam improvise clubbati bowmastera tako da sacrificam ring, nažalost protivnik mi neda ni taj gušt jer si bounca bowmastera (Soothing of Smeagol) i ponovno ga casta, na što ja jednostavno prihvatim da je u tom trenu bolji igrač i predam game.
Game 3 je pravda zadovoljena, curve out mog decka malo tko može izdržati.
Nakon meča shvatim da sam propustio priliku za odličan prigodan ice breaker:" Where was Rohan when Gondor fell?", ali brzo to zaboravljam i oštrim focus za sljedeće mečeve.
Yuuki me prvo pregazio sa gruul base dekom koji splasha crne bombe.
Drugi game me 1 topdeck vadio da se vratim u game, i našao sam taj claim the precious da mu maknem 5/7 reach elka, i da idem za lethal.
Treći game sam napravio illegal play koji smo skužili 3 kruga nakon što se desio: blokao je sa svojim rare Legolasom 1/4 mog Erkelbranda 3/3, ja sam flashao Lobeliju 2/3 menace, i triggerao Erkelbranda (iako se Erkelbrand triggera samo na ulazak humana u igru, a Lobelia je Halfling). Judge je rulao da je prošlo previše vremena od događaja i obojica smo dobili warning,na što sam ja predložio sljedeće : imao sam u ruci trik +1/+0 first strike, i objasnio sam Yuukiju da se state gamea ne bi promjenio jer bi samo castao taj trik koji bi onda ubio Legolasa, i da bi ako se on slaže onda stavio taj trik u grave i sebi smanjio 1 treasure kao da sam ga taj krug castao. Judge je rekao da on to ne može savjetovati,ali je objasnio Yuukiju da pokušavam ispasti fer i da ako se on slaže možemo tako nastaviti. Yuuki je na to naveo da mi vjeruje,i ja sam na taj način probao ispraviti svoj illegal play.
Par krugova nakon toga se on zateppa za Shelob, ja castam Fellbeast i pobjedim game.
Dobijem kockicu.
Game 1 Stefan je bio screwan i nije mogao naći forest.
Game 2 njegov food deck ipak nije mogao protiv jakog rakdosa sa puno removala.
8-3 i 3-0 day2 draft!
Spreman sam za nadolazeći modern dio turnira!
Dobijem kockicu.
Tomaš igra zanimljivu verziju 4C sa 4 mala Karna kao tech protiv tuđih ringova, rekao je da mu je bio MVP ova 2 dana.
Prvi game su se moji counteri dobro posložili sa njegovim playevima, pogotovo topdeck Mana Leaka na njegovog Wurmcoil Engina, nakon što mi je vidio ruku sa Stone Brainom, i uspijem ga pobjediti sa dwarf/fable beatdownom.
Drugi game on zapne na 3 landa sa utopia sprawlom, zateppa se, i ima teferija i omnata na boardu, ja sam morao turn 4 creat za X=1, i nadati se da nema solitudea, jer neću imati bolju priliku od ove da resolvam creativity. Postboard imam samo 2 creaturea koja mogu pogoditi, Elesh Norn i Sundering Titan,obje opcije su mi bile dobre u ovom trenu, i na kraju pogodim Sundering titana i razbijem mu landove!
Nadam se da protivnik neće topdeckati fetch land da ne triggera omnatha, i nije, passa krug, ja bacim svog teferija, bouncam omnatha i napadnem njegovog Teferija sa titanom i protivnik ispruži ruku.
9-3, još samo 1 win za kvalifikaciju na sljedeći Pro Tour.
Dobijem kocku.
Game 1 me turn 1 grief scamma,nakon čega dasha Ragavana,a ja ne mogu naći rješenje za griefa.
Game 2 mulliganam na 5, i popijem T1 Thoughtsize, uspijem topdeckati wrenna i nekako se vratiti u game.
Game 3 turn 1 scam, turn 2 dash ragavan, turn 3 blood moon, dalje dashani ragavani skidaju 2 fablea sa topa i ne uspijem se vratiti u game.
GAME 6 vs Stefano Vinci TEMUR RHINOS
Izgubio kocku.
Prvi game mulliganam na 5, jednostavno me pregazi.
Game 2 ima odgovore na mog Teferija i kontre i prebije me sa rhinosima.
Tenzije polako rastu, imao sam 4 šanse za ponovnu kvalifikaciju, a krenuo sam u 0-2 niz...
Pokušavam napraviti mentalni reset i ulazim u sljedeći meč potpuno miran.
Dobijem kocku.
On mulligana na 5, resolvam creat i pobjedim.
Game 2 turn 1 grief scam,ali imam savršenu ruku, 2 bindinga, bolt i ne može maknuti sva rješenja.
Dalje je game bio jako zanimljiv i u jednom trenu sam imao 1 jako bitnu odluku.
Benton je zateppan, ima dauthija i ragavana na boardu, ja imam bolt i prismari comm u ruci, ali samo 3 mane, mogao sam odigrati siguran play i odigrati prism comm za treasure i 2dmg dauthiju i boltati ragavana sa tim treasurom, ili pustiti krug i u combatu baciti prism command, povući 2, discardati 2, i 2 dmga ragavanu.
Pošto mi ruka nije imala gasa, odlučio sam se za play gdje ću povući karte da nađem creativity ili nešto čime ću pobjediti game.
Nažalost 2 karte koje vučem su 2. wren i land.
Na njegovom combatu probam boltati dautija, ima scam efekt da ga vrati,a ja ostao na 4 lifea.
Gledam taj vrh svog decka, molim se da mi RNG-ESUS da još taj 1 zadnji topdeck, i da me nakon toga smije trollati sljedećih 3 godine, ali sada, u ovom trenutku, treba mi creativity!
Lupnem deck, povlačim kartu, ugledam te nikad ljepše plave boje- Indomitable Creativity !
Castam creativity za X=2, i resolva se!
Benton vuče za krug, i ispruži ruku....
Ne mogu zadržati emocije, krenu suze, i prva faca koju vidim je Ivan Kosovec! Skačem mu u zagrljaj i krenem svima javljati da sam uspio!
Ne mogu vam opisati taj osjećaj, nadam se da će ga svatko od vas doživjeti barem jedanput.
Zadnji meč sada stvarno mogu igrati skroz opušten i guštati u svom "lošem" deck izboru za Pro Tour.
GAME 8 vs JACOB WILSON Temur rhinos
Dobijem kocku.
Prvi game me prebije,dobro igra oko moje interakcije.
Game 2 uspijem nekako iščupati.
Game 3 uspijem resolvati Teferija, i creativity na njegovom krugu na što Jacob preda!
Turnir na kraju završim na neočekivanom 17.mjestu i ne mogu vjerovati sa kojim rezultatom sam završio svoj prvi Pro Tour.
Za kraj
Na kraju bi samo htio spomenuti osobe koje su ovo omogućile i pozdrave ljudima koji su taj vikend grindali sa mnom.
- Zahvalio bi se svojoj obitelji : braći, Robinu i Bornu, mami i tati, svojoj predivnoj zaručnici Ani na neprekidnoj podršci i strpljenju oko svih mojih ludih kartaških hireva.
- Zahvalio bi se svim članovima pulskog MTG communityija (MTG Pula) na navijanju i podršci !
- Zahvalio bi se svom testing timu : Robin, Borna, Matija Pilepić, Franko Bačac, Stjepan Sučić, Fabijan Pavlović, Marko Lazić, Roko Perišić, Igor Zoretić.
- Zahvalio bi se MAGIC OMENS i Carti Magici na organizaciji svih RCQ-eva bez kojih ne bih imao šansu nastupiti na ovako prestižnim turnirima.
- Zahvalio bi se svim TRYHARDERIMA iz Zagreba za sve korisne savjete i upute!
Moram još posebno spomenuti par ljudi koji su u Barceloni napravili ogromne stvari:
- Igor i Lucija, koji ne prestaju na velikim turnirima na svim sealed formatima osvajati prestižne nagrade!
- Ivan Kosovec, koji je rasturio modern secret lair turnir u petak sa 6-0-2, i ušao u top 32 i time osvojio najskupljeg Ragavana! Usprkos neprospavanoj noći zbog provale u auto, uspjeva namazati Hammer 2-1 u prvom meču single eliminacije u drugom dijelu turnira u nedjelju! Nažalost gubi sljedecu rundu od temur rhinosa i zavrsava kao top 16 jednog od najvećih modern turnira!
- Bruno Jaman,Christian Sandri, Katarina koji su rasturili day 1 velikog Grand Prixa sealeda i gdje je Bruno day 2 imao win and in za top 8 i gdje bi dobio pozivnicu za Chicago pro tour, samo da je protivnik onaj 1 krug bacio kreaturu,a ne sagu koja stvara Smauga (imao je Glorius Gale u ruci).
- Andrej Cehulić i Filip Krajnović koji su rasturili Sealed dio qualifiera u nedjelju i završili kao 1. i 2. nakon 7 rundi i draftali jedan do drugoga.
- Filip je izgubio prvi meč u top 8, a Andrej je nakon prve dobivene sa 15 ostalih igrača morao napustiti venue jer je već bilo kasno (ponoć) i završili su igrati u hotelu do venua, nažalost nismo mogli nastaviti navijati jer puštali samo igrače. Andrej je nažalost izgubio win and in za Chicago u finalu tog turnira 2-1,ali bez obzira, sjajan rezultat!
- Danijel Vicković "Vicko" koji je usprkos izgubljenoj prtljagi,konstantno svih punio dobrom energijom i dizao atmosferu!
- Zoran Mrklić, naš mecena, bez kojeg hrvatske MTG scene najvjerojatnije ne bi ni bilo. Njegova podrška je neiscrpna i neprocjenjiva!
- I na kraju mom partneru in crime,koji me prati svuda, Matiji Pilepiću, koji je imao još jedan u nizu win and in za day 2 na velikom sealed grand prixu,ali je nažalost izgubio.Ne brini Matija, pravda će biti zadovoljena, i očekujem minimalno top 8 Pro Toura u skoroj budućnosti. Nema predavanja,samo grind je vječan!
Nastavite grindati, isplatit će se kad tad, i nadam se će mi se netko pridružiti na putu za Chicago, nadam se kao competitor!
Vaš Tin Mihael Capar.
218 komentara
Marina H Steven
A huge thank you to BRUNOE QUICK HACK for their outstanding crypt0currency recovery services. Website> Brunoequickhack. (com) If you’ve lost access to your crypt0currency assets, don’t despair—there’s help. I’m Marina H Steven, and I live in Francisco, California, with my wife and four kids. After the pandemic hit in 2020, we faced massive losses and ended up closing our businesses. We decided to invest the little we had left in crypt0, only to fall victim to a scam. Email: Brunoequickhack AT gmail dot com. Thankfully, I found Brunoe Quick Hack through WhatsApp at + (1) 705\ 7842\ 635, and they were able to recover my funds in just 72 hours, as they promised. Do you need hack into any, database servery, or spy on Facebook, Email, WhatsAPP, Usdt, Bitc0in, Crypt0, Instagram, Nft, Many More, I urge you to contact the best Hack Brunoe Quick hack Service for the job Thanks, guys for the teamwork check their.
Traci Oncina
As a seasoned investor in the cryptocurrency market, I had always prided myself on being vigilant and knowledgeable when it came to the security of my assets. Over the years, I had weathered the inevitable ups and downs of the market, yet nothing could have prepared me for the day I fell victim to a sophisticated phishing scam. In an instant, I lost a substantial amount of Ethereum, and the feeling of helplessness and frustration that followed was overwhelming. I thought all was lost and that no one could help me recover my assets. But then, through some quick research and a few trusted recommendations, I discovered Rapid Digital Recovery the best Ethereum recovery company in the industry. I was initially skeptical, as I had heard many promises of asset recovery that turned out to be scams themselves. However, after contacting their team,….What sapp Info: +1 41 4 80 7 14 85.. I quickly realized I had found the right experts. From the first consultation, Rapid Digital Recovery’s team of expert cryptographers and cybersecurity specialists demonstrated an impressive level of professionalism and knowledge. They took the time to thoroughly understand the specifics of my situation, carefully assessing the details of the phishing attack. Unlike many other companies that rush through the process, they listened to every detail I shared, ensuring they had a clear understanding of how the scam had unfolded. What truly set Rapid Digital Recovery apart was their unwavering dedication to recovering my stolen assets. They explained the recovery process in clear, understandable terms, walking me through each step as they worked behind the scenes to track down the stolen Ethereum. Their team employed state-of-the-art tools and techniques that I couldn’t have even imagined, leveraging their expertise in cryptography and blockchain technology to trace the stolen funds across the network. Throughout the entire process, the communication from Rapid Digital Recovery was exceptional…..Email INFO: rap iddi gita lrecov ery @ exe cs. com They kept me informed at every stage, offering updates and guidance. It was evident that they were not just working on recovering my funds but were genuinely invested in helping me regain my peace of mind. After what felt like a long and nerve-wracking journey, Rapid Digital Recovery succeeded in recovering my stolen Ethereum. In the end, what I thought was an irreversible loss turned into a story of recovery and resilience, all thanks to Rapid Digital Recovery’s dedicated team. I am now a firm believer in their expertise and services, and I would highly recommend them to anyone facing similar challenges in the cryptocurrency space. They truly stand out as the best Ethereum recovery company, offering hope when it seemed like all was lost.
Daniella Santos
How TECH CRYPTO RECOVERY helps Scam victims recover their lost funds. TECH CRYPTO RECOVERY is a legitimate Crypto recovery company Who are considered to be one of the most reliable and experienced crypto recovery Experts that provides bitcoin recovery services to scam victims. Utilizing the latest and most advanced recovery tools to date, TECH CRYPTO RECOVERY is capable of retrieving lost funds for Crypto scam victims safely, quickly, and affordably. If you happen to have lost your funds to crypto scams, Embark on a journey to reclaim your lost Bitcoin with TECH CRYPTO RECOVERY. Email: techcryptorecovery@yahoo.com
Helena David
How TECH CRYPTO RECOVERY helps Scam victims recover their lost funds. TECH CRYPTO RECOVERY is a legitimate Crypto recovery company Who are considered to be one of the most reliable and experienced crypto recovery Experts that provides bitcoin recovery services to scam victims. Utilizing the latest and most advanced recovery tools to date, TECH CRYPTO RECOVERY is capable of retrieving lost funds for Crypto scam victims safely, quickly, and affordably. If you happen to have lost your funds to crypto scams, Embark on a journey to reclaim your lost Bitcoin with TECH CRYPTO RECOVERY. Email: techcryptorecovery@yahoo.com
William Patrick
I recently lost over $321k of my life savings as a victim of the CATLY scam. I fell into a deep despair and was scared to inform anyone. All of this happened so quickly that I was in shock. I did some research and chose to get in touch with TECH CRYPTO RECOVERY, who answered all of my enquiries and promised to do everything in his power to get my money back, which he did. My USDT was returned to my wallet a few days later. I am so grateful to this brilliance, and I strongly advise anyone in need of assistance to get in touch with them right away. Remember to convey to TECH CRYPTO RECOVERY that Aneliese recommended you, and you can count on their dependable and first-rate service.
Contact details:
Email: techcryptorecovery@yahoo.com
I was scammed by a fake Bitcoin investment company online last month. I lost about $985,000 to them and they denied all my withdrawal requests, and gave me all sorts of filthy requests. It was really hard for me because that was all my life savings and they tricked me into investing with their company with a guarantee that I will make more profit. They took all my money and I did not hear from them anymore. I was clueless about how to restart after losing everything. Fortunately, I was directed to THE SCHWARTZ RECOVERY HACKERS EXPERT by a friend. I was able to contact them on:
WhatsApp +44 77 41 26 48 51 ), or shoot them an email at (schwartzsoftwarehackingprogram@gmail.com) They also have a great website at (https://schwartzsoftwareha.wixsite.com)
I was able to recover all I lost through the help of THE SCHWARTZ RECOVERY HACKERS EXPERT. I am really grateful to the experts because I know a lot of people here have been scammed and need help. Contact the THE SCHWARTZ RECOVERY HACKERS EXPERT for any desired Hacking Services
: +44 77 41 26 48 51
Email : schwartzsoftwarehackingprogram@gmail.com
Telegram : https://t.me/schwartzsoftwarehackers
Traci Oncina
As a seasoned investor in the cryptocurrency market, I had always prided myself on being vigilant and knowledgeable when it came to the security of my assets. Over the years, I had weathered the inevitable ups and downs of the market, yet nothing could have prepared me for the day I fell victim to a sophisticated phishing scam. In an instant, I lost a substantial amount of Ethereum, and the feeling of helplessness and frustration that followed was overwhelming. I thought all was lost and that no one could help me recover my assets. But then, through some quick research and a few trusted recommendations, I discovered Rapid Digital Recovery the best Ethereum recovery company in the industry. I was initially skeptical, as I had heard many promises of asset recovery that turned out to be scams themselves. However, after contacting their team,….What sapp Info: +1 41 4 80 7 14 85.. I quickly realized I had found the right experts. From the first consultation, Rapid Digital Recovery’s team of expert cryptographers and cybersecurity specialists demonstrated an impressive level of professionalism and knowledge. They took the time to thoroughly understand the specifics of my situation, carefully assessing the details of the phishing attack. Unlike many other companies that rush through the process, they listened to every detail I shared, ensuring they had a clear understanding of how the scam had unfolded. What truly set Rapid Digital Recovery apart was their unwavering dedication to recovering my stolen assets. They explained the recovery process in clear, understandable terms, walking me through each step as they worked behind the scenes to track down the stolen Ethereum. Their team employed state-of-the-art tools and techniques that I couldn’t have even imagined, leveraging their expertise in cryptography and blockchain technology to trace the stolen funds across the network. Throughout the entire process, the communication from Rapid Digital Recovery was exceptional…..Email INFO: rap iddi gita lrecov ery @ exe cs. com They kept me informed at every stage, offering updates and guidance. It was evident that they were not just working on recovering my funds but were genuinely invested in helping me regain my peace of mind. After what felt like a long and nerve-wracking journey, Rapid Digital Recovery succeeded in recovering my stolen Ethereum. In the end, what I thought was an irreversible loss turned into a story of recovery and resilience, all thanks to Rapid Digital Recovery’s dedicated team. I am now a firm believer in their expertise and services, and I would highly recommend them to anyone facing similar challenges in the cryptocurrency space. They truly stand out as the best Ethereum recovery company, offering hope when it seemed like all was lost.
Cliff mondy
When I first deposited funds into Binary FX, the process was seamless, and they were quick to accept my money without hesitation. However, everything changed when I attempted to withdraw my funds. What initially appeared to be a straightforward process turned into a nightmare. Withdrawal requests were repeatedly delayed or outright ignored. Despite countless attempts to contact their customer support team, I was met with vague replies or no assistance at all. It felt like they had disappeared, leaving me stranded and frustrated. Losing $26,000 wasn’t just a financial blow, it was emotionally devastating. I had placed my trust in this platform, recommended by a friend since high school, believing it was a sound investment. Instead, I found myself entangled in a seemingly impossible situation. I tried every avenue of emails, calls, and relentless follow-ups—but each attempt only underscored the extent of the problem. It became evident that this company had no intention of fulfilling its promises. At my lowest point, a relative suggested I reach out to Digital resolution services. Initially, I was skeptical, uncertain if recovery was even possible after such an ordeal. Still, I decided to give it a chance, and that choice marked a turning point. The team at Digital resolution services was nothing short of remarkable. Their expertise, professionalism, and dedication stood out immediately. They guided me through the intricate process of reclaiming my funds, offering strategic advice and practical solutions I hadn’t considered before. Throughout the journey, they kept me informed and reassured, ensuring I never felt alone in the fight. Thanks to their relentless efforts, I successfully recovered my $26,000. The relief was immense, and I am profoundly grateful for their support. Beyond recovering my money, they restored my confidence that even the most challenging situations can be resolved with the right help. I cannot thank Digital resolution services enough for their invaluable assistance and for turning a hopeless situation into a success story.
You can reach out to them if you ever find yourself in a situation like that, I guarantee you they will help.
Contact Digital Resolution Services:
Website: digitalresolutionservices.com
Email: digitalresolutionservices@myself.com
WhatsApp: +1 (361) 260-8628
Cliff Mondy
Lois Jones
I’m incredibly grateful that I did enough research to recover my stolen cryptocurrency. When I first fell victim to a scam, I felt hopeless and lost, unsure if I’d ever see my funds again. A few months ago, I was approached by someone on Telegram who claimed to have a lucrative investment opportunity in cryptocurrencies. They promised huge returns and played on my emotions, making it seem like a can’t-miss chance. I was so eager to make my money grow that I didn’t fully vet the situation, and unfortunately, I ended up falling for the scam. They guided me to invest a significant amount of money, and soon after, I realized I had been duped. The scammers blocked me, and my funds were gone. I felt devastated. All of my savings had been wiped out in what seemed like an instant, and the feeling of being taken advantage of was crushing. I spent days researching how to recover my stolen cryptocurrency but found the process to be overwhelming and complicated. I was starting to lose hope when I came across Digital Tech Guard Recovery. At first, I was skeptical about reaching out to a cryptocurrency recovery company, but after reading testimonials and researching their reputation, I decided to give them a try. I contacted Digital Tech Guard Recovery, and I was immediately reassured by their professionalism and expertise. They took the time to listen to my situation, and they were honest about what could and could not be done. What stood out to me was their deep understanding of cryptocurrency fraud and the recovery process. They were able to track down the scammers and initiate the recovery of my stolen funds, step by step. Thanks to Digital Tech Guard Recovery, I was able to get back a significant portion of the cryptocurrency I had lost.
WhatsApp: +1 (443) 859 – 2886 Email @ digitaltechguard.com
Telegram: digitaltechguardrecovery.com website https : // digitaltechguard.com
At one point, I lost a very meaningful amount of money that meant a lot to me to fake investment scheme It was a tough moment, but instead of giving up, I stayed persistent and focused on finding a way to get it back. With patience and effort, I eventually succeeded. Feel free to get in touch with me on Ritawendy19@proton.me to enable me explain better on what you need to do to get back your money or bitcoin back without any stress. Experience taught me the importance of never giving up, even when things seem out of reach.
Cliff mondy
When I first deposited funds into Binary FX, the process was seamless, and they were quick to accept my money without hesitation. However, everything changed when I attempted to withdraw my funds. What initially appeared to be a straightforward process turned into a nightmare. Withdrawal requests were repeatedly delayed or outright ignored. Despite countless attempts to contact their customer support team, I was met with vague replies or no assistance at all. It felt like they had disappeared, leaving me stranded and frustrated. Losing $26,000 wasn’t just a financial blow, it was emotionally devastating. I had placed my trust in this platform, recommended by a friend since high school, believing it was a sound investment. Instead, I found myself entangled in a seemingly impossible situation. I tried every avenue of emails, calls, and relentless follow-ups—but each attempt only underscored the extent of the problem. It became evident that this company had no intention of fulfilling its promises. At my lowest point, a relative suggested I reach out to Digital resolution services. Initially, I was skeptical, uncertain if recovery was even possible after such an ordeal. Still, I decided to give it a chance, and that choice marked a turning point. The team at Digital resolution services was nothing short of remarkable. Their expertise, professionalism, and dedication stood out immediately. They guided me through the intricate process of reclaiming my funds, offering strategic advice and practical solutions I hadn’t considered before. Throughout the journey, they kept me informed and reassured, ensuring I never felt alone in the fight. Thanks to their relentless efforts, I successfully recovered my $26,000. The relief was immense, and I am profoundly grateful for their support. Beyond recovering my money, they restored my confidence that even the most challenging situations can be resolved with the right help. I cannot thank Digital resolution services enough for their invaluable assistance and for turning a hopeless situation into a success story.
You can reach out to them if you ever find yourself in a situation like that, I guarantee you they will help.
Contact Digital Resolution Services:
Website: digitalresolutionservices.com
Email: digitalresolutionservices@myself.com
WhatsApp: +1 (361) 260-8628
Cliff Mondy
Cliff mondy
When I first deposited funds into Binary FX, the process was seamless, and they were quick to accept my money without hesitation. However, everything changed when I attempted to withdraw my funds. What initially appeared to be a straightforward process turned into a nightmare. Withdrawal requests were repeatedly delayed or outright ignored. Despite countless attempts to contact their customer support team, I was met with vague replies or no assistance at all. It felt like they had disappeared, leaving me stranded and frustrated. Losing $26,000 wasn’t just a financial blow, it was emotionally devastating. I had placed my trust in this platform, recommended by a friend since high school, believing it was a sound investment. Instead, I found myself entangled in a seemingly impossible situation. I tried every avenue of emails, calls, and relentless follow-ups—but each attempt only underscored the extent of the problem. It became evident that this company had no intention of fulfilling its promises. At my lowest point, a relative suggested I reach out to Digital resolution services. Initially, I was skeptical, uncertain if recovery was even possible after such an ordeal. Still, I decided to give it a chance, and that choice marked a turning point. The team at Digital resolution services was nothing short of remarkable. Their expertise, professionalism, and dedication stood out immediately. They guided me through the intricate process of reclaiming my funds, offering strategic advice and practical solutions I hadn’t considered before. Throughout the journey, they kept me informed and reassured, ensuring I never felt alone in the fight. Thanks to their relentless efforts, I successfully recovered my $26,000. The relief was immense, and I am profoundly grateful for their support. Beyond recovering my money, they restored my confidence that even the most challenging situations can be resolved with the right help. I cannot thank Digital resolution services enough for their invaluable assistance and for turning a hopeless situation into a success story.
You can reach out to them if you ever find yourself in a situation like that, I guarantee you they will help.
Contact Digital Resolution Services:
Website: digitalresolutionservices.com
Email: digitalresolutionservices@myself.com
WhatsApp: +1 (361) 260-8628
Cliff Mondy
Arlene Glover
Good day everyone, my name is Arlene Glover, and I’m reaching out from Paris. My husband and I have always been cautious with our investments, and for years, we’ve run a joint business together. A couple of months ago, we decided to explore cryptocurrency as an investment option and came across a platform that appeared legitimate with promising reviews. We invested a significant portion of our savings, totaling $178,000 in Bitcoin. Initially, everything seemed fine, and we even saw some returns, encouraging us to invest more. However, things took a turn when the platform began demanding additional payments to unlock more funds or access our profits. Eventually, we realized it was a scam, and all our money had disappeared, leaving us frustrated and helpless. During this difficult time, I came across a post about Asset Rescue Specialist , a company that claimed to recover lost or stolen funds, including those from fraudulent cryptocurrency platforms. After reading positive reviews, I decided to reach out to them, providing all the necessary information. To our surprise, within just 48 hours, Asset Rescue Specialist had managed to recover our entire investment. We were in complete shock and incredibly relieved, grateful for their professionalism and expertise. Now, we are sharing our experience to recommend Asset Rescue Specialist to anyone who has fallen victim to similar scams. If you’ve been defrauded by a fake cryptocurrency platform or any other fraudulent activity, we strongly encourage you to contact them. Their team is efficient, reliable, and dedicated to helping people get their hard-earned money back.Contact Email; assetrescuespecialist@qualityservice(.)com Or WhatsApp,+ 1 9 0 3 5 5 9 1 7 3 3
Arlene Glover.
Jesse Warren
I was feeling increasingly suspicious about my partner’s behavior. Over time, I noticed subtle changes in his routine more secrecy around his phone and unexplained absences. After trying to communicate openly, I was left with lingering doubts.
In my search for clarity, I decided to use CYBERSPACEHACK PRO mobile spy tool, which allowed me to monitor phone activities like messages and call logs. After using the tool, I discovered that my partner had been communicating with someone else, confirming my suspicions.
The truth was painful to face, but it also gave me the clarity I needed to make important decisions about my relationship. I now understand that while technology can provide insight, trust and communication are the foundations of any relationship
Email // Cyberspacehackpro //@ // rescue team. com
WhatsApp +1 (659) 217 9239
Bill Gilbert
I lost my bitcoin to fake blockchain impostors on Facebook, they contacted me as blockchain official support and I fell stupidly for their mischievous act, this made them gain access into my blockchain wallet account, whereby 9.0938 BTC was stolen from my wallet in total. I was dumbfounded because this was all my savings I banked up on, waiting for bitcoin rate to improve. Then my cousin recommended me to an expert, I researched online and found the Professional Funds Recovery Expert Fastfund Recovery
I wrote directly to the specialist explaining my loss. Hence, they helped me recover my bitcoin within few days. They launched the recovery program, and the culprits were identified as well, all thanks to their expertise. I hope I have been able to help someone as well. Reach out to the recovery specialist to recover you lost funds from any form of online scam.
G/mail; Fastfundrecovery8(@) g mail dot com.
Isak Ellinor
I thought I’d lost $41,000 forever! My account was suddenly locked, and desperate calls to customer service went unanswered. The feeling of helplessness was overwhelming. I had worked so hard to save that money, and to see it disappear without any explanation was devastating. Each day that passed without a resolution made it feel like my funds were gone for good. At first, I tried everything I could think of to get help. I called customer service repeatedly, but every time, I was met with empty promises and no real answers. The more I called, the more frustrated I became. Every unreturned call and unsatisfactory response only deepened my sense of dread. I feared that I might never see my money again. But I refused to give up. I knew I had to keep searching for a solution, no matter how impossible it seemed. That’s when I found CRANIX ETHICAL SOLUTIONS HAVEN. After reading reviews and hearing about their expertise in financial recovery, I decided to reach out. The idea of a professional recovery service seemed like my last hope, and I was desperate to try anything that could help. From the very first interaction, the team at CRANIX ETHICAL SOLUTIONS HAVEN impressed me. They were not only professional and responsive but also genuinely understanding of my situation. They took my case seriously and assured me they would do everything they could to help recover my funds. They quickly assessed my case, formulated a strategy, and began working on a solution right away. The experts at CRANIX ETHICAL SOLUTIONS HAVEN were incredibly efficient and kept me updated at every step of the process. Their dedication and persistence were evident. They took the time to explain the entire recovery process to me, which gave me confidence that I was in good hands. It wasn’t just about recovering my money—it was about restoring my trust in the financial system, which had been shaken by this experience. Within just a few days, they had successfully recovered my $41,000. The relief I felt when I saw my account unlocked and my funds returned was indescribable. What had seemed impossible just a week earlier was made possible thanks to the professionalism, knowledge, and expertise of CRANIX ETHICAL SOLUTIONS HAVEN. I can’t thank them enough for their hard work and commitment. If you ever find yourself in a similar situation, I highly recommend contacting CRANIX ETHICAL SOLUTIONS HAVEN. They gave me back my peace of mind and showed me that no situation is hopeless when you have the right experts by your side.
WHATSAPP: +44 7460 622730
EMAIL: cranixethicalsolutionshaven{@}post{.}com OR info{@}cranixethicalsolutionshaven{.}info
WEBSITE: https : //cranixethicalsolutionshaven.info
Jordan Jackson
Secure Crypto Recovery: Regain Access to Lost Wallets and Funds Hire iForce Hacker Recovery
iForce Hacker Recovery assisted me in recovering a lost wallet phrase containing $317 worth of Bitcoin. After accidentally losing access to my wallet, I contacted them for help. Their team used advanced cryptographic techniques and blockchain expertise to securely recover my wallet phrase. They guided me through the process step-by-step, ensuring my funds were restored without compromising security. Their professionalism and efficiency provided peace of mind, saving my hard-earned funds and demonstrating their expertise in digital asset recovery.
Contact info www .iforcehackerrecovery. com
Email; contact@iforcehackerrecovery . com
Whatsapp +1240. 803. 370. 6
Mary Wilson
Hi, to some extent I was just so down and tired about my husband sudden change in attitude, he is always on to his phone. I was so much bothered and I contacted THEPHONEHACKER99 @ GMAIL COM he helped me spy and gave me access to his cell phone which I got his messages and mails also the long deleted messages
Michael Davenport
I was recently scammed out of $53,000 by a fraudulent Bitcoin investment scheme, which added significant stress to my already difficult health issues, as I was also facing cancer surgery expenses. Desperate to recover my funds, I spent hours researching and consulting other victims, which led me to discover the excellent reputation of Capital Crypto Recover, I came across a Google post It was only after spending many hours researching and asking other victims for advice that I discovered Capital Crypto Recovery’s stellar reputation. I decided to contact them because of their successful recovery record and encouraging client testimonials. I had no idea that this would be the pivotal moment in my fight against cryptocurrency theft. Thanks to their expert team, I was able to recover my lost cryptocurrency back. The process was intricate, but Capital Crypto Recovery’s commitment to utilizing the latest technology ensured a successful outcome. I highly recommend their services to anyone who has fallen victim to cryptocurrency fraud. For assistance, contact Recovercapital@cyberservices.com Capital Crypto Recover on Telegram OR Call Number +1 (336)390-6684 via email: Capitalcryptorecover@zohomail.com
Michael Davenport
I was recently scammed out of $53,000 by a fraudulent Bitcoin investment scheme, which added significant stress to my already difficult health issues, as I was also facing cancer surgery expenses. Desperate to recover my funds, I spent hours researching and consulting other victims, which led me to discover the excellent reputation of Capital Crypto Recover, I came across a Google post It was only after spending many hours researching and asking other victims for advice that I discovered Capital Crypto Recovery’s stellar reputation. I decided to contact them because of their successful recovery record and encouraging client testimonials. I had no idea that this would be the pivotal moment in my fight against cryptocurrency theft. Thanks to their expert team, I was able to recover my lost cryptocurrency back. The process was intricate, but Capital Crypto Recovery’s commitment to utilizing the latest technology ensured a successful outcome. I highly recommend their services to anyone who has fallen victim to cryptocurrency fraud. For assistance, contact Recovercapital@cyberservices.com Capital Crypto Recover on Telegram OR Call Number +1 (336)390-6684 via email: Capitalcryptorecover@zohomail.com
George Cotas
Expert In Bitcoin And Crypto Scam Recovery – iBolt Cyber Hacker
If you’ve been a victim of a cryptocurrency scam, I highly recommend iBolt Cyber Hacker for their exceptional Bitcoin and crypto scam recovery services. Their expertise in tracking and recovering lost funds in the complex world of digital currency is unparalleled.
One of the most reassuring aspects of working with iBolt Cyber Hacker is their commitment to transparency. They keep you informed at every stage, providing detailed updates and clear explanations of their strategies. This level of openness builds trust and confidence in their service.
iBolt Cyber Hacker stands out for its responsive and supportive customer service. Their team is always ready to assist, offering guidance and answering questions promptly. This dedication to customer satisfaction enhances the overall experience and makes a stressful situation more manageable.
Contact: ……. +39, 351..105, 3619
Enquiring Mail: …. Support @ibolt cybarhack. com
Homepage: ………. http s:// ibolt cybarhack. com
George Cotas
Expert In Bitcoin And Crypto Scam Recovery – iBolt Cyber Hacker
If you’ve been a victim of a cryptocurrency scam, I highly recommend iBolt Cyber Hacker for their exceptional Bitcoin and crypto scam recovery services. Their expertise in tracking and recovering lost funds in the complex world of digital currency is unparalleled.
One of the most reassuring aspects of working with iBolt Cyber Hacker is their commitment to transparency. They keep you informed at every stage, providing detailed updates and clear explanations of their strategies. This level of openness builds trust and confidence in their service.
iBolt Cyber Hacker stands out for its responsive and supportive customer service. Their team is always ready to assist, offering guidance and answering questions promptly. This dedication to customer satisfaction enhances the overall experience and makes a stressful situation more manageable.
Contact: ……. +39, 351..105, 3619
Enquiring Mail: …. Support @ibolt cybarhack. com
Homepage: ………. http s:// ibolt cybarhack. com
📌 You have a transfer from Binance. Verify >>> https://telegra.ph/Message--2868-12-25?hs=1d9d0855f70edea1111451a2e11310cc& 📌
Lucas Frazier
Living in Dubai, I was drawn to the city’s vibrant financial landscape and the promise of lucrative investment opportunities. However, my experience with one commission-based firm turned into a nightmare. I invested $160,000, hoping to see strong returns, but soon found myself unable to withdraw any of my funds. The firm kept advising me to invest more in order to “finish the agreements,” and each time I followed their advice, the situation only got worse. It felt like an endless cycle of pressure to keep adding money, with no way to access what was rightfully mine. Frustrated and feeling trapped, I started looking for a solution online. That’s when I came across a review about CRANIX ETHICAL SOLUTIONS HAVEN, a service that seemed to help people in situations like mine. At first, I was doubtful. How could someone really recover my money from a firm that seemed so intent on holding it? But after reading numerous positive reviews, I decided to give it a try. I reached out to CRANIX ETHICAL SOLUTIONS HAVEN via EMAIL: (cranixethicalsolutionshaven @ post dot com) OR (info @ cranixethicalsolutionshaven dot info) WHATSAPP: (+. TELEGRAM: (@ cranixethicalsolutionshaven), explaining my entire ordeal. To my surprise, I received a prompt response and was reassured that they could help. The team outlined a clear process, and while I was still cautious, I felt a small sense of hope. To my astonishment, just two days later, I was notified that my $160,000 had been successfully returned to my wallet. At first, I couldn’t believe it. I checked my account several times, and each time, the money was there. I was overjoyed and incredibly relieved. What seemed like a miracle had actually become a reality. CRANIX ETHICAL SOLUTIONS HAVEN didn’t just restore my finances—they restored my faith in people who genuinely want to help others. I’m sharing my story to let others know that there are still trustworthy people out there who can assist in times of need. If you find yourself in a similar situation, don’t hesitate to contact CRANIX ETHICAL SOLUTIONS HAVEN. They are the real deal, and they delivered on their promise to get my money back. I’m forever grateful to them for their transparency and efficiency.
Kenneth Davis
Hello everyone!! If you’re looking for a trustworthy hacker to access and monitor any phone, WhatsApp messaging, Facebook, or retrieve your Gmail password, contact the expert hacker who assisted me in discovering the lady my husband is cheating on. You can contact him by email (thephonehacker99@gmail.com) and thank him for reading my evaluation.
Natalie Jacob
I am a Portugal based professional in the investment industry and on FUNDS RECLAIMER COMPANY to expand my network and connect with other industry professionals. I would be happy to connect you all with FUNDS RECLAIMER COMPANY and start the dialogue to see how we can cooperate.
Funds Reclaimer Company is a trusted and experienced recovery firm dedicated to helping individuals and businesses reclaim lost funds. Our team of experts utilizes cutting-edge technology and proven strategies to ensure successful recoveries.
A few months ago, I decided to invest a significant amount of 100,000 AUD with a broker called Money flip. Initially, everything seemed legitimate, and I was optimistic about the potential returns. However, my experience quickly turned sour when I tried to withdraw my funds. What seemed like a straightforward withdrawal process became a nightmare. Money flip imposed multiple conditions for me to meet before I could access my funds. Each time I ticked off one requirement, another appeared, making the entire process incredibly frustrating. I complied with all their demands, submitted countless documents, and followed every instruction they provided. Yet, my withdrawal was continually delayed or blocked. It became increasingly clear that Money flip had no intention of letting me take my money out. Feeling stuck and desperate, I turned to a colleague who had dealt with a similar situation. He recommended FUNDS RECLAIMER COMPANY
, a company that specializes in recovering funds from brokers with shady practices. Although I had never heard of them before, I trusted my colleague’s advice and reached out to FUNDS RECLAIMER COMPANY. From the moment I contacted them, I could tell I was in good hands. The team at FUNDS RECLAIMER COMPANY
was highly professional and attentive, taking the time to understand the full details of my case. They explained their process clearly and assured me they had dealt with situations like mine before. They began working on my case immediately, and within a short period, I began to see progress. Thanks to their expertise, FUNDS RECLAIMER COMPANY
was able to recover the full 100,000 AUD I had invested. Not only did they get my money back, but they also helped me transfer it safely to my Binance wallet, ensuring that I had full control over the funds. It was a huge relief to finally have access to my money after all the stress and delays caused by Money flip. This experience taught me an important lesson about the risks of dealing with online brokers and the value of working with professionals when things go wrong. I am extremely grateful to FUNDS RECLAIMER COMPANY
for their dedication and expertise. If you ever find yourself in a similar situation, I highly recommend reaching out to a trusted recovery service like FUNDS RECLAIMER COMPANY
they were instrumental in helping me recover my funds and get them safely into my Binance wallet.
Natalie Jacob
I am a Portugal based professional in the investment industry and on FUNDS RECLAIMER COMPANY to expand my network and connect with other industry professionals. I would be happy to connect you all with FUNDS RECLAIMER COMPANY and start the dialogue to see how we can cooperate.
Funds Reclaimer Company is a trusted and experienced recovery firm dedicated to helping individuals and businesses reclaim lost funds. Our team of experts utilizes cutting-edge technology and proven strategies to ensure successful recoveries.
A few months ago, I decided to invest a significant amount of 100,000 AUD with a broker called Money flip. Initially, everything seemed legitimate, and I was optimistic about the potential returns. However, my experience quickly turned sour when I tried to withdraw my funds. What seemed like a straightforward withdrawal process became a nightmare. Money flip imposed multiple conditions for me to meet before I could access my funds. Each time I ticked off one requirement, another appeared, making the entire process incredibly frustrating. I complied with all their demands, submitted countless documents, and followed every instruction they provided. Yet, my withdrawal was continually delayed or blocked. It became increasingly clear that Money flip had no intention of letting me take my money out. Feeling stuck and desperate, I turned to a colleague who had dealt with a similar situation. He recommended FUNDS RECLAIMER COMPANY
, a company that specializes in recovering funds from brokers with shady practices. Although I had never heard of them before, I trusted my colleague’s advice and reached out to FUNDS RECLAIMER COMPANY. From the moment I contacted them, I could tell I was in good hands. The team at FUNDS RECLAIMER COMPANY
was highly professional and attentive, taking the time to understand the full details of my case. They explained their process clearly and assured me they had dealt with situations like mine before. They began working on my case immediately, and within a short period, I began to see progress. Thanks to their expertise, FUNDS RECLAIMER COMPANY
was able to recover the full 100,000 AUD I had invested. Not only did they get my money back, but they also helped me transfer it safely to my Binance wallet, ensuring that I had full control over the funds. It was a huge relief to finally have access to my money after all the stress and delays caused by Money flip. This experience taught me an important lesson about the risks of dealing with online brokers and the value of working with professionals when things go wrong. I am extremely grateful to FUNDS RECLAIMER COMPANY
for their dedication and expertise. If you ever find yourself in a similar situation, I highly recommend reaching out to a trusted recovery service like FUNDS RECLAIMER COMPANY
they were instrumental in helping me recover my funds and get them safely into my Binance wallet.
Michael Mcglothlin
I am truly at a loss for words as I try to express my deep gratitude to Cyber Constable Intelligence for the incredible support they provided me during one of the darkest times of my life. I invested a total of $325,000 CNY, believing I was securing my financial future. The platform even provided regular updates showing what appeared to be significant gains on my investment. However, when I decided to withdraw my funds after six months, everything changed. The broker, who had been so persistent and available, suddenly stopped responding. My calls, emails, and messages were ignored. It became painfully clear that I had been scammed. I came across Cyber Constable Intelligence and they successfully recover my Lost Funds with their Tools, All Thanks To Cyber Constable Intelligence.
Here’s Their Info Below
WhatsApp: 1 (252) 378-7611
Website Info: https://cyberconstableintelligence. com
Michael Mcglothlin
Hello guys, let me tell you all a story that I hope serves as a warning and a lesson. On December 2nd, I made an online investment of $90,000 USD, convinced by the promises of high returns. They made everything seem so easy. They made me feel as though I was the one calling all the shots, making every decision, and monitoring the market. At first, things looked great—my money even doubled. I was on top of the world. But then, one night, I requested a withdrawal of $20,000. I remember clearly, I went to bed thinking everything was in order. But when I woke up in the middle of the night, I checked my account and noticed that the funds hadn’t been transferred. I thought it was a simple delay, but when I checked my account the next morning, I received an email stating that I had insufficient funds and could not withdraw anything. Even worse, the email claimed that I had somehow closed all my positions at a loss overnight. Like, seriously? I was shocked and couldn’t believe what I was reading. I hadn’t closed any positions at all. In fact, I hadn’t made any changes to my account. I was left confused, frustrated, and feeling completely helpless. I didn’t know who to trust anymore or what to do. That’s when I decided to do some thorough research. I started looking into ways to recover my money, but I was cautious because I had already been duped once. After digging deeper, I came across a recommendation for Cyber Constable Intelligence. At first, I was skeptical—after all, I’d been burned before—but after reading some reviews and understanding how they operated, I decided to give them a chance. I contacted Cyber Constable Intelligence, and honestly, I couldn’t be more relieved. From the moment I reached out, I felt like I was in good hands. They were professional, transparent, and most importantly, they didn’t ask for any upfront payment. They walked me through the entire process and kept me updated every step of the way. Thanks to their expertise and persistence, I was able to get my $20,000 back, along with the peace of mind that I had been missing for so long. Cyber Constable Intelligence completely changed my perspective on fund recovery agents. They’re not like the scammers I encountered before. They’re trustworthy and genuinely care about helping people. If you’ve been in a similar situation, I highly recommend reaching out to them. They know what they’re doing, and they won’t let you down.
Here’s Their Info Below WhatsApp: 1 (252) 378-7611
mail: support (AT) cyberconstableintelligence.com or
Website info; www.cyberconstableintelligence.com Thanks
Timothy S. Hogan
I’ve always been cautious with my finances, but the promise of high returns in the crypto world drew me in. I invested $390,000 into what I believed was a legitimate Bitcoin investment platform. Initially, everything seemed promising—the returns looked incredible, and the dashboard showed my portfolio growing daily. However, when I attempted to withdraw my earnings, the site became unresponsive. Emails went unanswered, and my funds appeared to vanish without a trace. I was devastated. My trust in digital finance was shattered, and countless sleepless nights followed as I researched recovery options. That’s when I discovered SANTOSHI HACKERS INTELLIGENCE (SHI) through an online forum. Many others shared similar stories of loss but spoke highly of SHI’s ability to recover their stolen assets. Though skeptical, I reached out to them, clinging to hope. From my very first interaction with the SHI team, I was struck by their professionalism and genuine empathy. They took the time to understand my situation, asking detailed questions about my transactions and communications with the scam site. Their approach was meticulous and transparent, explaining step-by-step how they would trace blockchain transactions to uncover the trail left by the scammers. The process wasn’t instantaneous, but SHI regular updates and clear communication gave me confidence. Using advanced blockchain analytics, they traced my $390,000 through multiple disguised addresses used by the scammers. Weeks of effort culminated in incredible news: SHI had located a significant portion of my funds. Through their expertise and collaboration with legal teams and cryptocurrency exchanges, SHI recovered 75% of my initial investment. This outcome was beyond what I had dared to hope for. More importantly, SHI didn’t just recover my funds—they provided invaluable education on securing digital assets. They taught me about wallet security, the importance of due diligence in investments, and recognizing red flags in too-good-to-be-true platforms. What could have been a devastating financial loss became a powerful lesson in resilience and cybersecurity, thanks to the exceptional team at SANTOSHI HACKERS INTELLIGENCE. I am immensely grateful for their support and expertise. For anyone seeking trusted cryptocurrency recovery services, I wholeheartedly recommend SHI.
Jarrid Haralson
My initial engagement with DUNE NECTAR WEB EXPERT demonstrated considerable professionalism and transparency. This favorable first impression prompted a more thorough investigation into the company’s background and operational practices. Subsequent research revealed a significant history of successful engagements across various services. Their client portfolio reflects a commendable track record in several complex domains, including phone surveillance, private investigations, and cryptocurrency recovery. Specifically, their proficiency in phone spying involves ethical and legal data acquisition, adhering to all relevant regulations while securing necessary authorizations. In private investigations, their work exemplifies a dedication to meticulous fact-finding and discreet operations, ensuring the respect of client confidentiality and legal parameters.
Furthermore, their achievements in cryptocurrency recovery underscore their expertise in blockchain technology, digital forensics, and navigating the complexities of cryptocurrency exchanges and regulatory frameworks. These achievements are not merely anecdotal; they are substantiated by numerous client testimonials and case studies accessible on their website and through independent verification. The consistently positive feedback, combined with demonstrable expertise across various specialized fields, reinforced my assessment that DUNE NECTAR WEB EXPERT is the most reputable and effective solution for recovering my lost cryptocurrency. Their commitment to transparency, their proven track record, and adherence to ethical standards distinguish them from other firms operating within this intricate sector. The depth of their expertise and the breadth of their successful engagements instilled in me the confidence to entrust them with this critical matter.
WEB- dunenectarwebexpert . com
EMAlL – support @dunenectarwebexpert . com.
Edwin Marvine
How many people throughout the world have lost millions of dollars as a result of falling for scammers? I personally lost over $482,000 in Canadian dollars. I was afraid to tell my wife or brothers that I had been duped out of all of my money. My friend eventually found Redeemed Hacker Pro’s portfolio, and I used this reliable service to amazingly get half of my money back. Website: www.redeemedhackerpro.com or redeemedhackerpro.wixsite.com/redeem-hacker-pro; email: redeemed.h.p@hackermail.com
Scammed cryptocurrency recovery specialist – Century Web Recovery
I strongly recommend this very reputable professional assistance Century Web Recovery to anyone looking to recover any type of crypto currencies assets from online frauds, Century Web Recovery can recover a hacked Wallet or Frozen Cryptocurrency, or BTC transferred to the wrong address I give this testimony to all the victims who believed their financial suffering was finished after falling victim to fraudulent investments, lottery scams, romance scams, or any other type of online scam. A group of people contacted me online and introduced me to bitcoin investing and trading site. which the asked me to make a deposit so I deposited 130,000 USDT in total, and the broker I was introduced to completely scammed me, fooled me, and made false promises. Fortunately, though, I knew Century Web Recovery so well that I called them right away. They provided me with full assistance by obtaining my money back from the brokers and criminals that I had invested with. Additionally, it took 48 hours for Century Web Recovery to get my money back. I thus endorse their service.
Century Web Recovery can be reached Email: century@cyberservices.com
WhatsApp +1 (386) (260)- (8052)
Scammed cryptocurrency recovery specialist – Century Web Recovery
I strongly recommend this very reputable professional assistance Century Web Recovery to anyone looking to recover any type of crypto currencies assets from online frauds, Century Web Recovery can recover a hacked Wallet or Frozen Cryptocurrency, or BTC transferred to the wrong address I give this testimony to all the victims who believed their financial suffering was finished after falling victim to fraudulent investments, lottery scams, romance scams, or any other type of online scam. A group of people contacted me online and introduced me to bitcoin investing and trading site. which the asked me to make a deposit so I deposited 130,000 USDT in total, and the broker I was introduced to completely scammed me, fooled me, and made false promises. Fortunately, though, I knew Century Web Recovery so well that I called them right away. They provided me with full assistance by obtaining my money back from the brokers and criminals that I had invested with. Additionally, it took 48 hours for Century Web Recovery to get my money back. I thus endorse their service.
Century Web Recovery can be reached Email: century@cyberservices.com
WhatsApp +1 (386) (260)- (8052)
Kathy Reichs
invested a total of $76,000.00USD worth of Bitcoin with an online company who does trading and was guaranteed a payout of 25% a week. They ended up shutting down their company website but their website was still running. So I could still see my dashboard at that time and instead of paying weekly they ended up compounding my money. It ended up compounding to$359, 000USD so I requested for a withdrawal which was declined before they shutdown their website, I complained to my colleague at work who directed me about this recovery expert, Cyberspacehackpro that helped him, I contacted him immediately, what surprised me most, was that I recovered my money that same week. You can contact him on his email at Cyberspacehackpro()rescueteam.com and on WhatsApp: + and he will assist you on the steps to recover your invested funds. Just trying to help those who where scammed just the way I was too. BELOW IS THEIR INFORMATION: Email: Cyberspacehackpro()rescueteam.com
WhatsApp: +
📖 You have a transaction from unknown user. Receive =>> https://telegra.ph/Message--2868-12-25?hs=1d9d0855f70edea1111451a2e11310cc& 📖
All you need is to hire an expert to help you accomplish that. If there’s any need to spy on your partner’s phone. From my experience I lacked evidence to confront my husband on my suspicion on his infidelity, until I came across ETHICALAHCKERS which many commend him of assisting them in their spying mission. So I contacted him and he provided me with access into his phone to view all text messages, call logs, WhatsApp messages and even her location. This evidence helped me move him off my life . I recommend you consult ETHICALHACKERS009 @ gmail.com OR CALL/TEXT +1(716) 318-5536 or telegram @ethicalhackers23 if you need access to your partner’s phone
Michael Jordan
We now live in a world where most business transactions are conducted through Bitcoin and cryptocurrency. With the rapid growth of digital currencies, everyone seems eager to get involved in Bitcoin and cryptocurrency investments. This surge in interest has unfortunately led to the rise of many fraudulent platforms designed to exploit unsuspecting individuals. People are often promised massive profits, only to lose huge sums of money when they realize the platform they invested in was a scam. contact with WhatsApp: +1 (443) 859 – 2886 Email @ digitaltechguard.com Telegram: digitaltechguardrecovery.com website link:: https://digitaltechguard.com
This was exactly what happened to me five months ago. I was excited about the opportunity to invest in Bitcoin, hoping to earn a steady return of 20%. I found a platform that seemed legitimate and made my investment, eagerly anticipating the day when I would be able to withdraw my earnings. When the withdrawal day arrived, however, I encountered an issue. My bank account was not credited, despite seeing my balance and the supposed profits in my account on the platform. At first, I assumed it was just a technical glitch. I thought, “Maybe it’s a delay in the system, and everything will be sorted out soon.” However, when I tried to contact customer support, the line was either disconnected or completely unresponsive. My doubts started to grow, but I wanted to give them the benefit of the doubt and waited throughout the day to see if the situation would resolve itself. But by the end of the day, I realized something was terribly wrong. I had been swindled, and my hard-earned money was gone. The realization hit me hard. I had fallen victim to one of the many fraudulent Bitcoin platforms that promise high returns and disappear once they have your money. I knew I had to act quickly to try and recover what I had lost. I started searching online for any possible solutions, reading reviews and recommendations from others who had faced similar situations. That’s when I came across many positive reviews about Digital Tech Guard Recovery. After reading about their success stories, I decided to reach out and use their services. I can honestly say that Digital Tech Guard Recovery exceeded all my expectations. Their team was professional, efficient, and transparent throughout the process. Within a short time, they helped me recover a significant portion of my lost funds, which I thought was impossible. I am incredibly grateful to Digital Tech Guard Recovery for their dedication and expertise in helping me get my money back. If you’ve been scammed like I was, don’t lose hope. There are solutions, and Digital Tech Guard Recovery is truly one of the best. Thank you, Digital Tech Guard Recovery! You guys are the best. Good luck to everyone trying to navigate this challenging space. Stay safe.
Patrick Hudson
I was hearing stories. People losing their Bitcoin, Ethereum, and USDT is quite regrettable. Until I fell into the trap and realized it was genuine, This is so amazing and real. I was duped by a number of people who said they could help me invest my money in bitcoin trading, which is how I lost $1.7 million I came across a post about THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY AGENCY, who helps people reunite with their lost funds, with the assistance of the legitimate hacker, after 7 to 8 Hours helped me retrieve my Bitcoin. I had faith in them. These kinds of services require various techniques and intellects to engage with so as to perfect a successful recovery making them human natural resources for those who have fallen victim to scams or technical issues, hire THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY AGENCY and help yourself from being a fraud victim. THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY AGENCY deserves praise for his excellent job. Contact them through the address below
WhatsApp +1(520)200-2320 ) or shoot them an email at (support@thehackangels.com) They also have a great website at (www.thehackangels.com)
Patrick Hudson
I was hearing stories. People losing their Bitcoin, Ethereum, and USDT is quite regrettable. Until I fell into the trap and realized it was genuine, This is so amazing and real. I was duped by a number of people who said they could help me invest my money in bitcoin trading, which is how I lost $1.7 million I came across a post about THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY AGENCY, who helps people reunite with their lost funds, with the assistance of the legitimate hacker, after 7 to 8 Hours helped me retrieve my Bitcoin. I had faith in them. These kinds of services require various techniques and intellects to engage with so as to perfect a successful recovery making them human natural resources for those who have fallen victim to scams or technical issues, hire THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY AGENCY and help yourself from being a fraud victim. THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY AGENCY deserves praise for his excellent job. Contact them through the address below
WhatsApp +1(520)200-2320 ) or shoot them an email at (support@thehackangels.com) They also have a great website at (www.thehackangels.com)
Patrick Hudson
I was hearing stories. People losing their Bitcoin, Ethereum, and USDT is quite regrettable. Until I fell into the trap and realized it was genuine, This is so amazing and real. I was duped by a number of people who said they could help me invest my money in bitcoin trading, which is how I lost $1.7 million I came across a post about THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY AGENCY, who helps people reunite with their lost funds, with the assistance of the legitimate hacker, after 7 to 8 Hours helped me retrieve my Bitcoin. I had faith in them. These kinds of services require various techniques and intellects to engage with so as to perfect a successful recovery making them human natural resources for those who have fallen victim to scams or technical issues, hire THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY AGENCY and help yourself from being a fraud victim. THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY AGENCY deserves praise for his excellent job. Contact them through the address below
WhatsApp +1(520)200-2320 ) or shoot them an email at (support@thehackangels.com) They also have a great website at (www.thehackangels.com)
Lillian Queen
I am out here to spread this good news to the entire world on how THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT and his teams help me in recovering my lost Bitcoin. I never thought I could get scammed of my Bitcoin , I never knew these investments were fake. I was depressed and in anger but all thanks to THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT for the help and professional service offered to me in my time of need. I invested $1.3 million in a cryptocurrency platform and found out it was a scam and I had no idea how to get my money back until I contacted THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT To anyone out there seeking to recover any lost bitcoin from cryptocurrency forms of online scams or wallet hackers , I recommend THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT they specialize in recovery of lost funds. CONTACT DETAILS;
WhatsApp +1(520)200-2320) or shoot them an email at (support@thehackangels.com) They also have a great website at (www.thehackangels.com)
Almaniya Mathilda
At the beginning of December 2024, I faced a major issue when I mistakenly sent my crypto, specifically SUI/USDT worth £50,000, from Coinbase to Bybit on the wrong network while attempting an arbitrage trade. This is a scenario that can easily happen, especially for those of us who are not experts in the complex world of cryptocurrencies. After the transaction, I realized that I had used an incompatible network, and I feared that my assets were lost forever. Fortunately, I found Cranix Ethical Solutions Haven, who came highly recommended for such situations. From the moment I reached out, the communication was clear and efficient. They explained everything in simple terms, ensuring that I understood the process, which was a huge relief given my initial confusion. Unlike many services in the crypto space, Cranix Ethical Solutions Haven was quick to respond and extremely transparent about their approach. What impressed me most was the professionalism and honesty shown throughout the process. The fees for their service were very reasonable, and there were no hidden costs or attempts to overcharge me, which is often a concern when dealing with recovery services. They took the time to outline exactly what would happen next, and I never felt left in the dark. Thanks to Cranix Ethical Solutions Haven, my SUI/USDT worth £50,000 was successfully retrieved from the wrong network, and I was able to complete my arbitrage trade without further issues. Their expertise in navigating the complexities of crypto networks was evident, and they made a stressful situation much easier to manage. I highly recommend Cranix Ethical Solutions Haven to anyone who finds themselves in a similar predicament—whether it’s a simple mistake like mine or a more complicated issue. For anyone unfamiliar with the technical aspects of cryptocurrency, having a trustworthy, professional service like this is invaluable. In a space that can sometimes be confusing or overwhelming, it’s reassuring to know that there are knowledgeable and reliable experts out there to help. Cranix Ethical Solutions Haven is definitely a service you can trust to navigate the complexities of crypto transactions.
EMAIL: info () cranixethicalsolutionshaven (.) info OR cranixethicalsolutionshaven () post (.) com
TELEGRAM: (@) cranixethicalsolutionshaven
WHATSAPP: +(447) (4606) (22730)
Almaniya Mathilda
At the beginning of December 2024, I faced a major issue when I mistakenly sent my crypto, specifically SUI/USDT worth £50,000, from Coinbase to Bybit on the wrong network while attempting an arbitrage trade. This is a scenario that can easily happen, especially for those of us who are not experts in the complex world of cryptocurrencies. After the transaction, I realized that I had used an incompatible network, and I feared that my assets were lost forever. Fortunately, I found Cranix Ethical Solutions Haven, who came highly recommended for such situations. From the moment I reached out, the communication was clear and efficient. They explained everything in simple terms, ensuring that I understood the process, which was a huge relief given my initial confusion. Unlike many services in the crypto space, Cranix Ethical Solutions Haven was quick to respond and extremely transparent about their approach. What impressed me most was the professionalism and honesty shown throughout the process. The fees for their service were very reasonable, and there were no hidden costs or attempts to overcharge me, which is often a concern when dealing with recovery services. They took the time to outline exactly what would happen next, and I never felt left in the dark. Thanks to Cranix Ethical Solutions Haven, my SUI/USDT worth £50,000 was successfully retrieved from the wrong network, and I was able to complete my arbitrage trade without further issues. Their expertise in navigating the complexities of crypto networks was evident, and they made a stressful situation much easier to manage. I highly recommend Cranix Ethical Solutions Haven to anyone who finds themselves in a similar predicament—whether it’s a simple mistake like mine or a more complicated issue. For anyone unfamiliar with the technical aspects of cryptocurrency, having a trustworthy, professional service like this is invaluable. In a space that can sometimes be confusing or overwhelming, it’s reassuring to know that there are knowledgeable and reliable experts out there to help. Cranix Ethical Solutions Haven is definitely a service you can trust to navigate the complexities of crypto transactions.
EMAIL: info () cranixethicalsolutionshaven (.) info OR cranixethicalsolutionshaven () post (.) com
TELEGRAM: (@) cranixethicalsolutionshaven
WHATSAPP: +(447) (4606) (22730)
Almaniya Mathilda
At the beginning of December 2024, I faced a major issue when I mistakenly sent my crypto, specifically SUI/USDT worth £50,000, from Coinbase to Bybit on the wrong network while attempting an arbitrage trade. This is a scenario that can easily happen, especially for those of us who are not experts in the complex world of cryptocurrencies. After the transaction, I realized that I had used an incompatible network, and I feared that my assets were lost forever. Fortunately, I found Cranix Ethical Solutions Haven, who came highly recommended for such situations. From the moment I reached out, the communication was clear and efficient. They explained everything in simple terms, ensuring that I understood the process, which was a huge relief given my initial confusion. Unlike many services in the crypto space, Cranix Ethical Solutions Haven was quick to respond and extremely transparent about their approach. What impressed me most was the professionalism and honesty shown throughout the process. The fees for their service were very reasonable, and there were no hidden costs or attempts to overcharge me, which is often a concern when dealing with recovery services. They took the time to outline exactly what would happen next, and I never felt left in the dark. Thanks to Cranix Ethical Solutions Haven, my SUI/USDT worth £50,000 was successfully retrieved from the wrong network, and I was able to complete my arbitrage trade without further issues. Their expertise in navigating the complexities of crypto networks was evident, and they made a stressful situation much easier to manage. I highly recommend Cranix Ethical Solutions Haven to anyone who finds themselves in a similar predicament—whether it’s a simple mistake like mine or a more complicated issue. For anyone unfamiliar with the technical aspects of cryptocurrency, having a trustworthy, professional service like this is invaluable. In a space that can sometimes be confusing or overwhelming, it’s reassuring to know that there are knowledgeable and reliable experts out there to help. Cranix Ethical Solutions Haven is definitely a service you can trust to navigate the complexities of crypto transactions.
EMAIL: info () cranixethicalsolutionshaven (.) info OR cranixethicalsolutionshaven () post (.) com
TELEGRAM: (@) cranixethicalsolutionshaven
WHATSAPP: +(447) (4606) (22730)
Almaniya Mathilda
At the beginning of December 2024, I faced a major issue when I mistakenly sent my crypto, specifically SUI/USDT worth £50,000, from Coinbase to Bybit on the wrong network while attempting an arbitrage trade. This is a scenario that can easily happen, especially for those of us who are not experts in the complex world of cryptocurrencies. After the transaction, I realized that I had used an incompatible network, and I feared that my assets were lost forever. Fortunately, I found Cranix Ethical Solutions Haven, who came highly recommended for such situations. From the moment I reached out, the communication was clear and efficient. They explained everything in simple terms, ensuring that I understood the process, which was a huge relief given my initial confusion. Unlike many services in the crypto space, Cranix Ethical Solutions Haven was quick to respond and extremely transparent about their approach. What impressed me most was the professionalism and honesty shown throughout the process. The fees for their service were very reasonable, and there were no hidden costs or attempts to overcharge me, which is often a concern when dealing with recovery services. They took the time to outline exactly what would happen next, and I never felt left in the dark. Thanks to Cranix Ethical Solutions Haven, my SUI/USDT worth £50,000 was successfully retrieved from the wrong network, and I was able to complete my arbitrage trade without further issues. Their expertise in navigating the complexities of crypto networks was evident, and they made a stressful situation much easier to manage. I highly recommend Cranix Ethical Solutions Haven to anyone who finds themselves in a similar predicament—whether it’s a simple mistake like mine or a more complicated issue. For anyone unfamiliar with the technical aspects of cryptocurrency, having a trustworthy, professional service like this is invaluable. In a space that can sometimes be confusing or overwhelming, it’s reassuring to know that there are knowledgeable and reliable experts out there to help. Cranix Ethical Solutions Haven is definitely a service you can trust to navigate the complexities of crypto transactions.
EMAIL: info () cranixethicalsolutionshaven (.) info OR cranixethicalsolutionshaven () post (.) com
TELEGRAM: (@) cranixethicalsolutionshaven
WHATSAPP: +(447) (4606) (22730)
Almaniya Mathilda
At the beginning of December 2024, I faced a major issue when I mistakenly sent my crypto, specifically SUI/USDT worth £50,000, from Coinbase to Bybit on the wrong network while attempting an arbitrage trade. This is a scenario that can easily happen, especially for those of us who are not experts in the complex world of cryptocurrencies. After the transaction, I realized that I had used an incompatible network, and I feared that my assets were lost forever. Fortunately, I found Cranix Ethical Solutions Haven, who came highly recommended for such situations. From the moment I reached out, the communication was clear and efficient. They explained everything in simple terms, ensuring that I understood the process, which was a huge relief given my initial confusion. Unlike many services in the crypto space, Cranix Ethical Solutions Haven was quick to respond and extremely transparent about their approach. What impressed me most was the professionalism and honesty shown throughout the process. The fees for their service were very reasonable, and there were no hidden costs or attempts to overcharge me, which is often a concern when dealing with recovery services. They took the time to outline exactly what would happen next, and I never felt left in the dark. Thanks to Cranix Ethical Solutions Haven, my SUI/USDT worth £50,000 was successfully retrieved from the wrong network, and I was able to complete my arbitrage trade without further issues. Their expertise in navigating the complexities of crypto networks was evident, and they made a stressful situation much easier to manage. I highly recommend Cranix Ethical Solutions Haven to anyone who finds themselves in a similar predicament—whether it’s a simple mistake like mine or a more complicated issue. For anyone unfamiliar with the technical aspects of cryptocurrency, having a trustworthy, professional service like this is invaluable. In a space that can sometimes be confusing or overwhelming, it’s reassuring to know that there are knowledgeable and reliable experts out there to help. Cranix Ethical Solutions Haven is definitely a service you can trust to navigate the complexities of crypto transactions.
EMAIL: info () cranixethicalsolutionshaven (.) info OR cranixethicalsolutionshaven () post (.) com
TELEGRAM: (@) cranixethicalsolutionshaven
WHATSAPP: +(447) (4606) (22730)
Almaniya Mathilda
At the beginning of December 2024, I faced a major issue when I mistakenly sent my crypto, specifically SUI/USDT worth £50,000, from Coinbase to Bybit on the wrong network while attempting an arbitrage trade. This is a scenario that can easily happen, especially for those of us who are not experts in the complex world of cryptocurrencies. After the transaction, I realized that I had used an incompatible network, and I feared that my assets were lost forever. Fortunately, I found Cranix Ethical Solutions Haven, who came highly recommended for such situations. From the moment I reached out, the communication was clear and efficient. They explained everything in simple terms, ensuring that I understood the process, which was a huge relief given my initial confusion. Unlike many services in the crypto space, Cranix Ethical Solutions Haven was quick to respond and extremely transparent about their approach. What impressed me most was the professionalism and honesty shown throughout the process. The fees for their service were very reasonable, and there were no hidden costs or attempts to overcharge me, which is often a concern when dealing with recovery services. They took the time to outline exactly what would happen next, and I never felt left in the dark. Thanks to Cranix Ethical Solutions Haven, my SUI/USDT worth £50,000 was successfully retrieved from the wrong network, and I was able to complete my arbitrage trade without further issues. Their expertise in navigating the complexities of crypto networks was evident, and they made a stressful situation much easier to manage. I highly recommend Cranix Ethical Solutions Haven to anyone who finds themselves in a similar predicament—whether it’s a simple mistake like mine or a more complicated issue. For anyone unfamiliar with the technical aspects of cryptocurrency, having a trustworthy, professional service like this is invaluable. In a space that can sometimes be confusing or overwhelming, it’s reassuring to know that there are knowledgeable and reliable experts out there to help. Cranix Ethical Solutions Haven is definitely a service you can trust to navigate the complexities of crypto transactions.
EMAIL: info () cranixethicalsolutionshaven (.) info OR cranixethicalsolutionshaven () post (.) com
TELEGRAM: (@) cranixethicalsolutionshaven
WHATSAPP: +(447) (4606) (22730)
Almaniya Mathilda
At the beginning of December 2024, I faced a major issue when I mistakenly sent my crypto, specifically SUI/USDT worth £50,000, from Coinbase to Bybit on the wrong network while attempting an arbitrage trade. This is a scenario that can easily happen, especially for those of us who are not experts in the complex world of cryptocurrencies. After the transaction, I realized that I had used an incompatible network, and I feared that my assets were lost forever. Fortunately, I found Cranix Ethical Solutions Haven, who came highly recommended for such situations. From the moment I reached out, the communication was clear and efficient. They explained everything in simple terms, ensuring that I understood the process, which was a huge relief given my initial confusion. Unlike many services in the crypto space, Cranix Ethical Solutions Haven was quick to respond and extremely transparent about their approach. What impressed me most was the professionalism and honesty shown throughout the process. The fees for their service were very reasonable, and there were no hidden costs or attempts to overcharge me, which is often a concern when dealing with recovery services. They took the time to outline exactly what would happen next, and I never felt left in the dark. Thanks to Cranix Ethical Solutions Haven, my SUI/USDT worth £50,000 was successfully retrieved from the wrong network, and I was able to complete my arbitrage trade without further issues. Their expertise in navigating the complexities of crypto networks was evident, and they made a stressful situation much easier to manage. I highly recommend Cranix Ethical Solutions Haven to anyone who finds themselves in a similar predicament—whether it’s a simple mistake like mine or a more complicated issue. For anyone unfamiliar with the technical aspects of cryptocurrency, having a trustworthy, professional service like this is invaluable. In a space that can sometimes be confusing or overwhelming, it’s reassuring to know that there are knowledgeable and reliable experts out there to help. Cranix Ethical Solutions Haven is definitely a service you can trust to navigate the complexities of crypto transactions.
EMAIL: info () cranixethicalsolutionshaven (.) info OR cranixethicalsolutionshaven () post (.) com
TELEGRAM: (@) cranixethicalsolutionshaven
WHATSAPP: +(447) (4606) (22730)
Frank S Monnett
My name is Frank S. Monnett, and I want to share my incredible experience with Santoshi Hackers Intelligence (SHI). On June 1, 2023, I faced a devastating loss of $65,600 through my Coinbase account. When the SHI team explained how they would use Tokenomics to recover my funds, I was initially skeptical, thinking it might just be another marketing gimmick.
To my absolute shock, within less than 24 hours, I saw my $65,600 successfully restored to my Coinbase Ethereum wallet. SHI’s expertise in cybersecurity and their deep understanding of the crypto ecosystem are nothing short of remarkable.
SHI plays no games—they are professionals who deliver on their promises. I cannot thank the team enough for their swift and effective action on my case. I wholeheartedly recommend Santoshi Hackers Intelligence to anyone facing similar issues. Their work is truly extraordinary! [ santoshihacker@hotmail.com }