A Feast for Odin: Norwegians

Cijena s popustom€35.00

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The Norwegians raid, trade and settle new lands from the Orkneys to the Irish Sea

The 1st large expansion for A Feast for Odin, The Norwegians, includes a viking-sized number of additions to the game, adding new strategies and puzzle tiles.

Renewed action board: The largest of the new additions, made of 3 double-sided pieces that can be flipped to show different actions based on the number of players, opening up new action paths and increasing the chances of players getting in each other's way.

New puzzle tiles: 2x5 rectangle (horse/pregnant horse/leather/vadmal) and 5 spaces in a U-shape (herbs/pig/antlers/tools). There are also 5 new grey special tiles such as a pan, a hauberk and an anvil, most of which can be forged with ore. Also included is a third goods box to hold all the new tiles.

Four new exploration boards: Islands on the frontside (Isle of Man, Isle of Skye, Islay, Outer Hebrides) with Irish coastal viking-settlements on the backside (Waterford, Wexford, Cork, Limerick). Also included are renewed versions of the 4 exploration boards from the base game.

New buildings: totally new is the idea of a random start-building. Everybody gets 1 of the 6 double-sided artisan shed boards, and whenever a player could build a shed during the game, they may instead build the front or backside of their artisan shed.

VP tokens included!

Other stuff: the expansion also includes another mountain strip, more 2-silver coins and more beans/mead and oil/runestone tiles.

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