MTG: Tarkir Dragonstorm - Commander Deck


Type: Set of 5
Cijena s popustom€210.00

Porez je uključen u cijenu


This is a preorder for a product releasing on April 11th. Every preorder will be shipped on release date at the latest.

Product content:

  • 1 of 5 ready-to-play 100-card Commander Deck
  • 1 two-card Collector Booster Sample Pack
  • 10 double sided tokens
  • 1 deck box

Fight Dragons with Dragons!

Return to Tarkir for an epic battle between dragons and clans. Discover which clan fits your playstyle with distinct 3 color gameplay, and add draconic power to your collection.

Battle Alongside Your Clan

The 5 clans of Tarkir are back, each with their own vibrant culture and immersive gameplay. Find your clan and join the fight with a playstyle that fits you!

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